... in a unanimous 57 page decision the three judge panel, wrote
"... For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant. But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as President no longer protects him against this prosecution.
... an unprecedented assault on the structure of our government
Trump indicted for the third time in four months grand jury indicts on 4 charges, including, obstruction, and making false statements
Trump arraignment in Washington DC courtroom
point of clarification
Although, some, if not, most Republicans, cry foul, and suggest that Trump is being treated differently in this case, than the other high-profile investigations into election interference, however, the indictment explains clearly the difference between exercising one's right to free speech, and taking concrete actions to obstruct an official government proceeding.
The Trump case is not about what he said per se, it concerns what Trump did in association with others, mostly lawyers and state and federal law makers to commit crimes against the United States of America. Although you will no see the name Rob Portman (R) Ohio, or Ted Cruz (R) Texas in any indictment issued to date, both knowingly and willfully participated in the conspiracy to subvert a federal election and the peaceful transfer of power, which is a violation of their responsibilities not to engage in acts prohibited by the 14th Amendment.
Justice for Portman, Cruz and the many other members of congress and the senate will come slowly, but justice cometh. Let us not forget that the blowhard Jim Jordan sent a legal opinion, which we now know he did not author, but just put his name to it, suggesting a legal theory by which his lord and master Trump, could remain in office, although he had actually lost the election.
And lest we forget that Pelosi had the right not to seat any of the members of congress, who had participated in conduct prohibited by the 14th Amendment, by plotting to interfere in the lawful process of election certification, all those who signed onto the Texas lawsuit, which Cruz wanted to argue before the Supreme Court, are in fact and in law subject to indictment, arrest, arraignment and trial. Adam Schiff, who famously stated that 'we' are not going to treat the Republicans, the the way they treated 'we', attends to run for the senate from California, one can but imagine that he has enough of the 'we' and the 'us' to get him elected. If he can explain just who those two groups of people are. Odds are that they include too few people to make him a viable candidate.
... railroads, banks, severe storms, sexual abuse, defamation, and now, espionage
... utter incompetence
E LaMont Gregory MSc Oxon
the fate of a disgraced former president, and his recent arraignment, arrest, future trial and possible conviction, are the least of the problems that Americans are saddled with, due and resulting from, the legacy of the utter incompetence of the Trump administration
the Trump legacy
Secret documents found at Trump Palm Beach Property.
According to the DOJ, and tape recordings of Trump, on Fox News, with Hannity, Trump thought that the documents he took could be worth $18 million, like his feeble understanding of the Nixon papers.
... the Trump administration, rescinded rail safety rules, partied as they announced the removal of core Dodd/Frank regulation of financial institutions, and the removal of air-quality regulations.
As a result the rail network is a very dangerous system, high-risk-taking financial institutions are failing hard and fast, and industry has poured pollution into the air at a rate not seen since the industrial age of the 1800s.
Rain and snow form around tiny particulates that are suspended in the air, and there is so much of it, thanks to the Trump administration, that atmospheric rivers are falling from the sky.
It must also be considered that those tiny (and deadliest) particulates in the air - smog - kill people.
In fact, there is a 1 percent increase in deaths, for every extra 10 micrograms of tiny particulates in the air, above a more or less safe concentration of 50 micrograms per cubic metre of air.
Go, Trump, and his maga crowd, what next?
... no one has a monopoly, in the marketplace of morals - RMN
... fake Rothchild banking heiress, Trump and Lindsey Graham, at Mar-a-Lago ... fear is that Trump, shared his trophies, classified documents, to impress her, and many others _ _ _
The defense of Trump against extremely well-investigated, corroborated, and documented criminal behavior that has brought him to be indicted, arraigned and arrested, will not be decided by a mob, or in the court of public opinion, dominated by right-wing media outlets, but in a court of law, several of them, in fact.
... the evidence in the Manhattan case is about the evidence against Trump, not Cohen, nor is it about who the prosecutor is, or the judge.
Cohen has already been indicted, arrested, tried, convicted and jailed, for actions he undertook in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1, Donald J Trump.
And as a matter of law, any conspiracy to commit a felony results in the same amount of jail time and fines as a convicted felon, Cohen, was convicted of eight felonies, which he engaged in, and conspired with individual-1 to commit.
This is the point of law that has Trump, individual-1, terrified of his days in court.
Trump has not faced this kind of judicial scrutiny since he was adjudged to be an incorrigible youth, and sentenced, by way of a plea deal, to spend the remainder of this teen years in a military academy.
"... at the age of 13, Donald Trump had been deemed (adjudged), in fact, and in law, to be an incorrigible, and was sentenced (plea deal to avoid a detention center) to 5 years mandatory detention in a military academy boarding school until he was 18." (click on the link, relevant section is at bottom of the page) - https://www.theoxfordscientist.com/conklin-to-buffalo.html
Governor Kathy Hochul of New York, in 2022, supported a new state law that removed the term - incorrigible - from the state's education law, which had been defined as students who were deemed -- incapable of being corrected, that is, irreformable.
In 2021, New York deleted the word incorrigible from the lexicon of the Family Court Act, 'and now we are finishing the task by removing it from the Education Law,' according to state Senator Julia Salazar, a sponsor of the bill along with Assembly District 87 member Karines Reyes.
There are wide variations in the rest of the US, and the word incorrigible has a long and fraught history in New York law. In Indiana, for example, a juvenile in is considered incorrigible if the youth commits at least 8 instances of incorrigible behavior within a reasonable time period, such as a school year.
But in the era, when Donald Trump exhibited such deviant behavior that he posed a serious threat to others, and himself, his father negotiated his admittance into a military academy, in lieu of being committed to a state detention center for incorrigible youth.
It is worth noting that all those news presenters and other pundits, who state emphatically that on the 4th of April 2023, in New York City, Trump will face accountability for the first time in a court of law, have gotten it wrong.
Stated correctly, on the 4th of April, in New York City, in a courtroom, Donald Trump will face accountability for the first time, as an adult.
It was Trump's escape from accountability, as a youth, which led him to the oft repeated declaration that he could --murder someone on Fifth Avenue, and get away with it.
Whatever Trump did, and only by the grace of the seal of juvenile records, we do not know, it warranted him to be forcibly removed from his home, and place in a military academy for a period of five years.
The notion that Donald Trump woke up one morning at the age of 13, and went to his father, who thought even at the age of 13 was a loser, and begged his father to let him leave home and join a military academy, so that he could become one of the few, and the brave, is likely to believe anything, no matter how debasing and deplorable.
But these are the stubborn facts, and the maga crowd, and most news presenters, are not interested in such facts, at all.
And, Fox News will gladly feed the maga crowd a nonsense that all their power, which only ever existed, in reality, to extent that they recognized the equal rights and power of others, is being taken from them.
It was the parents of the maga crowd that accepted the - psychological wage, in place of an actual increase in pay.
The problem was and remains that you can only spend the psychological wage where you chant. The banks won't accept the psychological wage, in lieu of cash deposits.
And speaking of pain.
... daughter Ivanka, who billed the federal government for nearly 10 million dollars, for consultancy services, while she was a federal employee working in the White House, which is illegal, stated that she was pained, after she learned that her father had been indicted, while her own indictment, looms. One can but imagine that grifting 2 billion dollars from the Saudis, has eased the pain somewhat.
Jared was 600 million in the hole on the boondoggle Fifth Avenue property, and abracadabra
Perhaps, Lindsey Graham will also give a teary-eyed performance for the maga crowd to pay Ivanka's legal expenses.
Ten million, after all is said and done, will not go very far in Ivanka world. And the hundreds of millions her husband received from Qatar and The Emirates were used to bail him out of a billion-dollar property that he owed 6 to 7 hundred million on.
But as Graham pleaded, the man (Trump) has spent more on lawyers than most spend on political campaigns, which is an interesting analogy.
So, you had better start writing those checks, and remember to tell the Trumps that this is a one-time donation, and not a recurring one.
Donor, beware!
Trump has a $739 million dollar quagmire brewing in Florida
... a restrictive covenant
New York Attorney General Letitia James in September 2022, filed a civil lawsuit against Donald Trump and the Trump Organization alleging - years of financial fraud - and inflated valuations of twenty (20) properties in their holdings, including Mar-a-Lago.
According to the indictment, Trump valued the Mar-a-lago estate to be worth some $739 million, based on unrestricted residential development rights, despite Trump having no such rights. According to the filing, the property should have been valued at no more than $75 million dollars, a documented inflation of the value of the property by some $664 million dollars, based on a misrepresentation purporting the existence 0f valuable development rights, which Trump had signed away, a restrictive covenant, as a condition of acquiring the property.
The New York State Attorney General, filed the civil lawsuit in New York state court in Manhattan against Trump and his three adult children. The lawsuit specifies multiple accounts of fraud, accusing the Trump family business of misrepresenting, that is, inflating the value of its business assets to obtain favorable loans from banks, while devaluing the exact same assets, at the same time, to reduce their taxes.
Each of the banks and other lending institutions had a fiduciary responsibility to ascertain the accuracy of the valuations on which they made lending decisions, as well as, the existence and truthfulness of any claims, such as whether there were development rights that would greatly increase the value of the property, which Trump repeatedly stated albeit falsely that he had for Palm Beach property.