. . . John Boehner and the policy of obstruction
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Treason is the act -crime- of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's country. It is a violation of allegiance towards one's country by acting purposely to aid an enemy of one's country.
Whether or not treason can be extended to the unintentional act or those instances where a violation of allegiance was unforeseen, in fact and in law, renders such an act or acts treasonous but not a capital treasonable offense.
It is a curious circumstance that at the end of the first decade of the 21st Century that the Southern Cross is still in vogue in the United States. The Southern Cross is a 'glorified clan symbol' and as such represents a divided America and one in which there are imagined to be internal enemies of a Semitic attribution which are less American than other Americans are American, that is, to the thinking of Southern Cross adherents.
Two days after the Cruise missile attack on an al-Qaeda camp in Afghanistan, a failed attempt to kill bin-Laden, the al-Qaeda leader railed against Semitics in the United States as the real enemies the al-Qaeda sought to wage war against. Anyone who stood with his enemies was also an enemy and therefore is in the line of fire in this war.
It is interesting that the 'good ole-boys' who so proudly display the Southern Cross should find themselves as an ally to global Islamic terrorism. And, as they so proudly brandish their unique allegiance to a real America, they are also are brandishing a symbol which those who are killing Americans believe shows proof that many Americans agree with their aims, as far as they are anti-Semitic.
It can therefore be argued that displaying the Southern Cross at a time of war, in this war, is an act of treason – there is incontrovertible evidence that the Southern Cross, the Clan symbol, gives aid and comfort to the sworn enemies of the United States of America.
The Southern Cross ought not to be on display on Election Day.