2nd Threat in a Week Closes the Ambassador Bridge linking US with Canada
Sewing Needles in Sandwiches on 4 Delta Flights from Amsterdam to US
Eric LaMont Gregory
Ambassador Bridge closed for the 2nd time in a week last night due to a bomb threat
Even without Bin Laden to light up our pre election TV screens there seems to be no fall off in threats or the rumor of threats to Americans and American interests.
The federal agencies are investigating the discovery of sewing needles in four sandwiches on Delta flights from Amsterdam to the US. The sewing needles were found on four different flights. The sewing needles had been placed in turkey sandwiches for business class passengers. Two were discovered by air marshals and two were found by passengers. One passenger was injured.
The TSA has routinely informed US carriers with flights from Amsterdam of the problem. The Amsterdam based company that supplied the sandwiches is co-operating with investigators as they try to unravel how the needles made their way into the sandwiches on Delta flights. While the investigation proceeds Delta will only serve pre-sealed sandwiches on its flights.
On the other side of the Atlantic, investigators are trying to trace the source bomb threats that have closed the Ambassador Bridge and the tunnel between the US and Canada twice in the last week. The bridge is America's busiest commercial border crossing, with some 10,000 commercial vehicles crossing a day.
Federal and local agencies, scoured the bridge area for explosives while the Coast Guard stopped any maritime traffic beneath the bridge employing procedures established after 9/11. The bridge was closed for more than six hours.