you can trump all of the people, some of the time, you can trump some of the people, all of the time, but Mexico is still not paying for the wall E LaMont Gregory MSc Oxon
— Carl Jamieson ♥️ □ □ □□ (@C_J_deadmonton) June 3, 2019
Criminal referrals sent to DOJ, 19 December 2022
Obstruction of an official proceeding:
The committee found the "whole purpose and obvious effect of Trump's scheme were to obstruct, influence and impede" the joint session of congress on January 6, 2021, to certify Joe Biden's victory
Conspiracy to defraud the US government: Trump "entered into agreements, formal and informal, with several other individuals who assisted him with his criminal objectives" to obstruct a lawful certification of the election
Making false statements to the US government:
The committee believes Mr Trump 'conspired with others to submit slates of fake electors to Congress and the National Archives'
The committee had developed 'significant evidence' that Mr Trump intended to disrupt the peaceful transition of power as set out under the US constitution
... the final days of Trump's folly
18 December 2022, is one day shy of the beginning Donald Trump's last days as an unindicted co-conspirator
... let no one doubt the link between Trump's call to terminate the Constitution, and the necessity of German officials to act to prevent an attempted coup.
When will the public see the intelligence files Trump kept, which detailed what our intelligence services knew about the connection of those linked to Trump and the German right-wing factions planning a takeover of the government of Germany
Donald Trump, is a life-long con artist, who conveniently had medical doctors, who filed false medical reports to his local draft board.
And Trump obviously did not learn the cardinal rule of war, while he attended military school, because he was obliged to attend military school as a punishment, and not out of a desire to learn military arts and sciences.
Had Trump actually been in the military, learned about war in school, or even now, if he had military advisors around him, who were not simply political hawks, he would understand that the cardinal rule of all wars is that there are always casualties on both sides. There are always casualties, and on both sides, in all wars.
Donald Trump declared economic war on China, and the cardinal rule of war applies. There were casualties in China, and casualties in the United States, as is the case in all wars.
Trump compensated American white farmers, not with loans to tied them over, but straightforward welfare, no wonder farmers and rural white America, loves his policies
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How did Donald Trump Happen?
By 1939, over 90 percent of German children were part of the Hitler Youth. The youth group was the mechanism by which the Nazis were able to indoctrinate children at their most impressionable age, and to distance children from the influence of their parents.
As has been noted by others, the Nazis understood that families — private, cohesive groups not characteristically under political control — were an obstacle to the Nazis' goals. The Hitler Youth group was also a way to pry their ideology into the family unit. This program was successful to such an extent that some Hitler youth would denounced their own parents, when they spoke or acted in ways the children had been taught were not in keeping with being a good and a loyal Nazi.
And in America, generation after generation of the children of those who buy into the concept of being white, while at their most impressionable age, have witnessed their parents, teachers, judges, lawyers, doctors, nurses, bankers, realtors, pastors, priests, police, soldiers, mayors, and governmental officials and legislators at every level, dehumanize other groups of people, and now they have passed that legacy on to their own children. Thus, the creation of yet another generation of haters and zealots.
Donald Trump is one of those children.
To understand - How did Donald Trump Happen? - we need insight into his ardent supporters. More specifically, we need to understand the connection between Donald Trump and his ardent supporters. And, an inductive argument, that is to say, reasoning from specific instances to general conclusions, where if the premises are true, it is unlikely that the conclusions are false (unless the conclusions are, in fact false), is a reasonable way to approach, a question related to how something happened.
The obvious question is, why do we need to understand Trump's most devout supporters to understand Trump?
The answer to that question, not surprisingly, is that without them, the base, Donald Trump would be back to harming individuals and small groups of people, like he had done all of his life. Such as, molesting individual women and girls, discriminating against renters, suggesting that people of color were guilty and should be executed (sentence first, trial later), falsely claiming that a former president was not a citizen, and much much worse.
Let us begin with a specific instance.
Donald Trump before he won the presidential election, stated, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."
And from this statement, we draw the connection between Trump and his cheering, chanting, frenzy crowds.
Who, one must ask, would find these words, I could ... shoot somebody, morally attractive?
The people who find Trump's dehumanizing rants about people of color and non-Christians generally, are people who have done the same things themselves, both in thought and action.
They have discriminated against others, contrary to law, slurred and slandered people of color and non-Christians all of their lives. Their grandparents brutalized others, passed the normality of such actions to the parents of the children who now bully, brutalize and kill in the name of being white. Striking a blow for the white race against the other, the invaders, as it were.
And Trump makes it all seem normal to this group.
Now, one-quarter of the population of the United States openly discriminates, assaults, slurs and slanders. When they were young they beat civil rights workers at lunch counters and those who marched for justice, and murdered. They sat in a bar owned by a man whose son would become speaker of the house of representative and plotted the murder of civil rights leaders.
They are also people who have lived in fear that someday their names and families would publicly be associated with lynchings, or defacing and vandalizing synagogues, and the foul language they have hurled at people of color, even in the workplace, and just as often at a random passerby. And, this sense of dread became morbid fear, during the two previous presidential terms.
And Trump comes along and says to them, its okay, fear not, for hating these other people is what we must do to protect the white race, as his father learned to do as a Hitler youth, when his beloved homeland was being overrun with invaders. And Donald's father found his Nazi party in the United States, the kkk, and became one its most ardent supporters, in their war against the Italian invaders. He had learned the Nazi doctrine well, that is:
... once you know who you hate, from that reference point, everything else makes sense.
Trump's cheering crowds represent one-quarter of the population of the United States, some 82 million persons, but only a troublesome one-quarter of the population.
The recent disclosure that members of Pacifica High School's water polo team commonly made Nazi salutes and sang Hitler Youth songs, did not come as a surprise to former member of that team or many other students at that school. These are the same students who graduate with exemplary records and go on to universities like George Mason and help make the life of the first student body president of African origin, a living hell on earth.
The administrators of these universities should also be concerned, for the simple reason that the architect of the mass torture of children, Stephen Miller (Trump's Heinrich Himmler), also crawled out of the sewer of one of these high schools and then went on with an exemplary record to spread his racist venom at colleges and universities from sea to shining sea.
The fact that high school students, posed while engaging Nazi salutes in Baraboo, Wisconsin, illustrates the widespread nature of racial and religious animus in the United States. And again, it calls into question each and every action of their parents, those who hold positions of public trust and are paid with taxpayer money, as well as the nature and extent of bullying in every classroom in the entire state of Wisconsin. Trump did not create racism in America or in any other place for that matter, but it is his most potent political ploy.
Trump is not a new phenomena in this country, it should be noted that Samuel Johnson in 1775, to draw attention to the idea that patriotism is a virtue is questionable, wrote that 'Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.'
It was true then, and is true today, and aptly describes Trump and his band of scoundrels.
And, as most of the attention has been paid to these students, it is worth remembering the conventional wisdom that suggests that it takes a community to raise a child. And that these students all have parents, relatives, teachers, coaches, and somehow they found this behavior acceptable, in fact, normal and nothing out of the ordinary.
So what does this tell us about their, for the most part, liberal professional parents, who hold positions of authority and responsibility in that community. And therewith the prospect for students in that community, who are not of kkk, NSU and British National Party stock. It raises a suspicious cloud over each and every arrest and complaint filed by one of their law enforcement parents. Or the fairness, even the constitutionality, of each and every decision made by their parents who are judges, and the admissions officials for the area colleges, who are white nationalists, and who look for every opportunity to strike a blow for the white race, etc, etc, etc. Many of the parents of the Nazi youth, hold positions which require them to take an oath, which they violate every day of their pathetic lives. It makes you rethink just who was behind the idea to stop the pledge of allegiance in our classrooms, and why. Was it the idea of one nation, that they found abhorrent?
The damnable thing about Donald Trump is that he sends out a message, from one of the three co-equal branches of the federal government of the United States that is an anathema to the constitution and laws that he has sworn to uphold. But this author is more interested in tracing each and every one of the decades of students that participated in this Nazi Youth activity at that school to ascertain the extent to which these students have wreaked havoc with ethnic students on campuses and in the workplace after leaving their breeding grounds.
Make no mistake about it, Mike Pence is Trump's chosen vice-president not because he is, as he states, a Christian first, but that he is first white. All else, religion, country and duty is secondary to that fact.
In the face of national socialist rioting and general lawlessness, including disrupting the legislature, the Pelosi of that day suggested that there was an election coming and this could all be decided at the polls.
Appeasement, Nancy, really?
The mistake then and now, is that justice is not decided at the polls, elections are.
It is high time that we take a closer look at Nancy Pelosi. And, what becomes obvious is that in light of Trump's constant law breaking, she is as reluctant to begin impeachment proceedings as McConnell was to bring legislation to the floor of the senate for a vote to safeguard the integrity of the 2020 election against foreign interference.
There are two things we know about Donald Trump, first, that he stated on the eve of the 2016 election that the best way to control people, and thus to govern, was through fear, and second, he is corrupt.
We now know that McConnell, Moscow Mitch, was negotiating with the sanctioned Russian oligarch, Deripaska, to build an aluminum plant in Kentucky, while Rand Paul went to Germany to try and get German legislators to ease their sanction regime on a Russian oil and gas company (again, Deripaska), so the Russian oil and gas company could ship more gas to Germany. German Chancellor Merkel found Rand Paul's activities particularly distasteful, and it was because of her that the sordid details of the McConnell/Paul/Deripaska connection came to light.
McConnell and Paul stand to make fabulous amounts of money on both deals, personally. The hold that Trump has on Lindsay Graham, concerns his life style, and a dozen or so other senators and congressmen live in morbid fear that Trump will reveal, or the investigation of Trump ,ay cause to be revealed, their own personal contributions to the multi-million dollar white slave trade in underage girls of Jerry Epstein. Who, we must remember, modeled his teenage model agency on Donald's Trump's own such agency. Remember that Trump could inspect the dressing rooms of the models, without announcement, any time he chose to do so, by his own admission.
There is currently a press - feeding frenzy - concerning the investigation into several women who are known to have been recruiters for Epstein's white slave trade. It is interesting that none of the showcase investigative reporters, such as, Maddow and Cuomo, have not spent much time trying to uncover who the 11 other people were, who were let go in the 2007 Acosta/Dershowitz deal that charged Epstein with soliciting prostitution. Acosta labeled these underage girls prostitutes, in order not to charge Epstein with a much more realistic and true to the nature of his activities, crimes. Epstein amassed hundred's of millions of dollars by providing children, in Trump's words 'on the young side' to be sexually exploited by adults. White slavery, by definition involves coercion or trickery.
And, Epstein amassed hundred's of millions of dollars providing children to be sexually exploited by adults. And, neither Maddow nor Cuomo will be leading us into breaking news about the identity of the thousands of his customers, because it comes too close to home, both in their personal lives and in their workplaces. Fox, like Trump, has gone into hiding on this affair.
Nor has any reporter, who will be seen on cable news, or whose articles will grace the front pages of the major newspapers in the United States, conducted a single interview in the Virgin Islands, where reports of Epstein's procurement of young girls for his famous parties are ripe. Not a single word, Rachel.
Returning to Pelosi, a number of Pelosi's recent actions, or inaction, place her squarely in the realm of yielding to Trump out of a fear. One example, concerns a real estate project in California where the Pelosi's' were partners with the father of a woman Pelosi, while she was minority leader, helped become US ambassador to Hungary.
For Trump supporters, who he has chastised not to be concerned with foreign affairs, but concentrate on the implementation of the final solution to the immigration question here in the USA, little attention will be paid to the right-wing extremist anti-immigration fervor that was sweeping Hungary at that time. And less attention will be paid to Russian interference in Hungarian elections. And, the Hungarians wanted a US Ambassador that would fit in. And Pelosi helped deliver an ultra-conservative and ultra-rich ambassador, who would find nothing wrong with some, 25% of Hungarian people, trying to preserve the purity of their stock, against a tide of invaders.
Trump's appointed ambassadors, like the woman Pelosi helped to become one, are of identical ilk.,
In addition, there is nothing in her background or her upbringing that would naturally draw one to the conclusion that Pelosi is dedicated to the dream of which MLK so eloquently spoke.
But Pelosi's utter failure to strenuously defend members of her own party against the racist onslaught that Trump unleashed against them, stands as a lasting testament to Pelosi's duplicity on matters of race. The ambassadorship/land deal is but one of many such examples of Pelosi's skeletons. And Trump and his unpatriotic - grim reaper - leader of the senate are skeleton collectors.
It has been well documented that instances of bullying in our schools and communities generally, have increased dramatically since the bully-in-chief re-entered the national scene in 2016. If, a person acts like they are afraid of Trump, they are. And, it is in all of our interests to find out why, in the face of Trump's rampant lawlessness Pelosi fails to honor her oath of office and the Constitution of the United States of America.
The American people stated clearly in the 2018 elections, and that was an election and not a court of law, is that the lawlessness of Donald Trump must come to an end, and now. Pelosi, as many of the new members of the house suggested during those elections, is simply not equal to the task. And we can continue to hope that she will see the light, but we should not expect divine intervention, but simply the application of the laws of the land as enshrined in the Constitution of the United States. No one is above the law.
Pelosi is all about the gavel, the symbol of power, but what the American people want, well 75% of them, is the survival of the greatest democracy that has ever existed, that land that belongs to you and me.
The gavel is not in the right hands.
Justice and the rule of law are the domain of the courts and the legislature.
The Pelosi of Trump's father's day failed to act, and now, is history repeating itself?
Oh, when will she ever learn?
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Baraboo High School students pose while engaging Nazi salutes, before this disgusting example of the good folk of Baraboo, Wisconsin, located some 50 miles northwest of the state capitol Madison, Baraboo was known as the birthplace of the Ringling Brothers Circus in 1884