Ron DeSantis launches campaign with Elon Musk, day after US Virgin Islands court
subpoenas Elon Musk as part of lawsuit into Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking ring watch this space
Pierre Poilievre & Elon Musk, and now Alex Jones' endorsement of Canadian Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre comes while Poilievre is pressing for an urgent probe into foreign interference in Canadian elections
Danielle Smith & Tucker Carlson
Musk is too big for Poilievre and Tucker Carson makes Danielle Smith look like little Marco Rubio
... dangerous liaisons
... the Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre decries foreign interference in the last election cycle, while inviting Musk and his looney-right TwitterX company to interfere in the next one.
Conservative Leader Poilievre asked the czar of social media hate speech, Elon Musk, to have his company, Twitter, add the tag, government-funded media, to accounts with news- related content from CBC English, but did not ask the same for its French counterpart.
After objection from the CBC, TwitterX (Poilievre and Musk), agreed to amend the tag, to one that read a high percentage government funded, at which juncture CBC shuttered its account.
The Conservative leader Poilievre knows full well that the CBC is not government funded, but is publicly funded through a parliamentary appropriation, and its editorial and journalistic independence is protected by the Broadcasting Act.
The danger here is that Poilievre is associating with an individual, Musk, who delights in mocking a Canadian publicly funded institution. And the Canadian public knows fully that Poilievre lacks the wherewithal to run with the likes of the devious and ruthless, Musk, Murdoch, Crow crowd, as anything other than a rather insignificant useful idiot, who needs dark money.
In fact, closing one's TwitterX account is the best course of action. The very idea that Poilievre is in cahoots with Musk, and all the divisive baggage that comes with Musk, should send a chill up the spine of every Canadian. Well, Murphy told Pierre, if he wanted to lead the Conservatives, he had to own the mob that descended on Ottawa and Coutts. But do Canadians really deserve, Musk?
-- One should contrast the means by which the public can exert influence over Musk, the Tucker Carlson of social media, as opposed to the ability of the public to exert influence over cable news outlets like Fox, who spew all manner of illiberal hate speech. In the case of social media boycotting the advertisers is a very good way to get, at and to, the owners and shareholders of the social media/propaganda industry.
However, in the case of cable news outlets, their major source of funding is from their share of your cable service subscription fee. Yes, those who bore the brunt of Carlson's racist rants, anti-Semitic hate speech, and his dislike of those who believe in the rule of law, democracy and representative directly elected government, provide the financial resources to pay the salaries of the presenters, and to keep the propaganda station on the air, all courtesy of your cable fees.
However, increased difficulty in dealing with cable companies, does not mean that you cannot call them, or better yet write them, and tell your cable company that you no longer want part of your subscription fee to be shared with a company that subjects you to an endless litany of racist, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, undemocratic, and frankly fascist diatribe.
The message to your cable company should state in clear terms that you want Fox News removed from your list of programs, and from the share of your subscription fee that goes to Fox News.
When some of them tell you that you would have to remove the package that includes Fox News, record or keep a copy of their response, they will change their stance, and eventually acquiesce to your request.
If, the we cannot do that sounds analogous to, taxation without representation, it is.
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And Poilievre, who served in the Harper administration, is no stranger to fomenting and airing animus towards others, in stark and utterly chilling terms.
The idea that Poilievre can and is willing to call upon Musk to interfere in Canadian political discourse, does not bode well for the heretofore cohesive nature of Canadian society.
Musk's views on a number of highly contentious issues are known, and extremely well documented, views that are far outside the democratic norms and the civility of Canadian political discourse.
In May 2022, at what was billed as the first authorized Conservative leadership debate, held in Edmonton, Poilievre began his well-rehearsed attack on the CBC, what he calls the liberal, or Liberal, media in Canada.
It is not clear, whether Poilievre is referring to the concept, small l, or the political party, capital L. Perhaps, his unofficial press spokesperson, strategist, and cheerleader, the illiberal Rex Murphy, will clarify.
This is a rather meagre demonstration of someone who is trying to earn his credentials by undermining trust in the steadfast institutions of Canada. Next, he will suggest that his followers not believe anything that they gather from any other source, other than from him. Sound familiar?
Elon Musk issued subpoena for his involvement in Epstein human trafficking and commercial sex case
The US Virgin Islands has subpoenaed Elon Musk, Tesla CEO & Twitter owner, for documents in its lawsuit accusing Musk and JPMorgan of helping enable sexual abuses by late sex offender Jeffery Epstein, according to the US District Court in Manhattan
What follows is an excerpt from an article, this author, wrote in May 2022, the day after the Conservative leadership debate, in Edmonton:
Pierre Poilievre
... arrogantly, detached from reality, leading a mob, in search of a demagogue
Canada is a liberal parliamentary democracy, based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, and equality before the law.
The law is the supreme authority under Canada's system of government.
Neither far-left, nor far-right politics have ever had or been a prominent force in Canadian society. And, no matter how much the likes of Poilievre and the mob that descended on Ottawa or the Wexit proponents' try and inculcate distrust of and in traditional Canadian institutions, extremism will not prevail, in Canada.
Yes, we have heard it all before, us against them, we are being replaced, our privileges are being taken away, they listen to that liberal (Liberal) news outlet ...
Pause for a moment, did Poilievre actually accuse Charest of learning about the mob descending on Ottawa from the liberal (Liberal) media, the CBC?
Is it to be understood that Poilievre, an individual who seeks to convince some of the people of Canada, especially the uncharacteristically Canadian far-right, that he can lead Canada backwards into a golden-age of mass unmarked graves, and unsolved missing and murdered girls and women cases, and where his fellow Conservative past administration champion spoke of the peril posed by other Canadians, openly and with animus — is of the opinion that the CBC is a Liberal (capital L), as opposed to a Conservative (capital C) media?
If so, Poilievre is in need of full-blown, one-hour on the couch, several times a week, psychoanalysis, and urgently.
Remembering that psychoanalysis is based on the tenet, or understanding, as it were, that — if it can be talked about; it can be thought about; and if it can be thought about; it can be controlled.
Well, Poilievre already talks a lot, now we just need to coax him into thinking about what he is saying, and we can begin the long, and often slow process of a return to rational thought, as reflected in a subsequent return to rational speech.
Because there is still the remnants of a health service the Conservatives have not been able to diminish, or privatize, under the guidance of a skilled psychiatrist, Poilievre, can work through these sorts of idiosyncratic (delusional) beliefs. However, due respect must to be given to the fact that in certain cases of severe, long-standing, and deeply-held delusions, as the Poilievre case presents an example of, the length of the treatment cycle might be considerable.
Only someone whose place on the political spectrum is so far to the right that anything approaching the center from that extreme position seems to be on the opposite end of the spectrum, could arrive at a descriptor of the CBC (Barton & co.) as being either liberal, or Liberal.
E LaMont Gregory MSc Oxon _ _ _
... close your Twitter account
Elon Musk sought the Twitter platform to advance a sordid illiberal agenda, and within hours of his takeover of Twitter, Musk announced his intention to allow the maga crowd and their disgraced leader free run of the platform, all in the name of what Musk calls unfettered free speech, which translates into a forum for unconscionable hate speech
Now, Poilievre has teamed with Musk and had the CBC's Twitter account description changed to that of a government
Romney, CNN and Fox, refer to a statement by Trump that the Constitution should be suspended, a milder version of the truth, when, in fact, Trump called for the, and I quote, ' ... termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution '
... blood-curling, cruel and debasing
GM has demonstrated one highly effective way that those who actually believe in the tenets of the American Republic can help to relegate Musk's Twitter folly to the ash pile, and that is to vote with your right to make choices and close your Twitter account, and boycott, that is, cease buying the products or services of any company that advertises on the Twitter platform, any and all of them.
As Apple considers banning the Twitter platform from its App Stores, the question to be asked is why the other app store platforms, have not?
In addition, some WiFi connections will not accept SSL from Twitter, while others are blocking Twitter, altogether.
In essence, leave the Twitter platform to the illiberal hate speech purveyors to talk to each other, and among themselves.
If, anyone had any doubt about just what Twitter would be like under the ownership of Musk, just look at the reports concerning the tweets Musk has posted on the attack on the speaker of the house's husband. The tweets by Donald Jr, on the same subject, are simply blood-curling, cruel and debasing, but these are just small examples of what Musk's Twitter portends.
Researchers at Montclair University, Department of Education, School of Communication and Media, documented a measurable increase in hate speech on the Twitter platform in the first few hours after Musk's acquisition (28 October 2022).
There are those who will remain on the platform, and advance an argument that suggests that if all right-thinking people abandon the platform, who will be there to monitor what is being said and what is being organized on that platform.
This is, of course, a false flag argument, because you can only vote with your conscience, if you have developed one.
The argument is equivalent to those who state that they disapprove of Trump's constant lies and his often cruel and irrational behavior, but they agree with his policies, while they never enumerate exactly what policies they are talking about, specifically.
There are immediate consequences to Musk's actions in relation to the violence his brand engenders. Fearing a what goes around comes around scenario, insurers contemplate quadrupling the cost of insuring Tesla cars.
... one charade, deserves another?
Given, all that is observable about the current circumstances surrounding Musk's takeover of the Twitter platform, it begs the question, why Representative Bill Pascrell (D,. NJ) a senior member of the Ways and Means Committee, should use Twitter to draw attention to the 1,308 days that that committee has been waiting for Trump's tax returns, and his request that the Supreme Court should 'end [the] charade and not prolong it with more nonsense'.
Remembering that in current political parlance the medium is often the message, and unless Rep Pascrell wanted to show his steadfast allegiance to the Twitter platform, it makes no sense whatsoever to pander to the illiberal hate speech crowd that is working diligently to remove him from office.
Is this an example of an abused child running to their abuser, seeking acceptance?
An alternative explanation suggests that Pascrell is letting the maga crowd know that he is ethnically aligned with them, and being a Democrat, comes a distant second?
Musk conducts bogus survey, surprise-surprise, but asks the wrong question
It was a foredrawn conclusion that those who responded to the survey, would suggest that Musk step down as CEO, but the question that should be asked is, whether Twitter should cease to exist?
GM was among the first to halt paid Twitter ads, Apple to ban Musk from its App Store, as list of those leaving Twitter continues to grow precipitously
right-wing commentators are telling a sob story, that is, decrying what the loss loss of Twitter will mean to the archives of social media history, while parents, who found their daughters and sons dead in their basements, because they were mercilessly bullied on Twitter, will not miss its passing, one iota
Musk contemplates fee of five to 20 dollars for the right to use hate speech on Twitter
It is crystal clear that Twitter's balance sheet is under water, a lot of water.
And few corporate financial analysts have come up with any credible revenue paths, even highly speculative ones, as to how Musk and Twitter are going to rise above water, while the platform has to climb out of the ethical sewer in which it is now lodged, simultaneously.
Recent reporting suggests that Musk has one of three rather obvious choices on the revenue side of Twitter.
Musk can either bite the financial bullet and accept that he just invested, along with several prominent banks, 44 billion dollars to show his absolute fidelity to ethnic nationalism.
However, the second source, that is, advertising revenue, is rather problematic, as it is generally accepted that as Twitter's unfettered free speech guise for hate speech grows, advertising revenue will continue its spiral down into the abyss.
Or, on the other hand, Musk can attempt to transform Twitter into a fee-based service at a time when his ilk is trying to make the family budget the top issue in America. And hope that the mere suggestion does not drive away another and bigger swath of non-ethnic-nationalist-leaning existing users, while and simultaneously, relying on the the maga crowd to cough up even more money to prop up yet another billionaire, and blindly give money to another 'we build the wall' like scheme.
None of the other fee-based internet-based product and service companies believe that Musk has hit on a viable revenue strategy that will work, on earth.
The fee-based revenue path, Musk's next gamble, would be instituted under the banner of 'verifiable' accounts, ostensibly.
It is still not clear, just how many fake accounts Musk inherited, when he acquired Twitter.
Estimates, from friend and foe alike, have always maintained that the number of fake Twitter accounts was not only statistically significant, say 5%, but well beyond that into the realm of many, as reflected in the numbers of, at least, 20%, while others suggest as many as one-third of all Twitter accounts are fake.
Perhaps, now that Twitter is in the hands of a kindred spirit, the Internet Research Agency and Putin's military intelligence GRU, will stop using Twitter as an espionage portal, but why should they, after all Musk bought Twitter knowing what it was.
Perhaps, Fox News (Disney), Newsmax, the Koch Brothers and Murdoch will increase their advertising share to the same tune as the lost revenue from those that actually sell something other than influence, and right-wing pandering nonsense.
Fox News should be particularly
Don't you just love that maga crowd and the blowback from your own war on Twitter to acquire it, Elon?
But alas, the right-wing media will continue to sing the ballad of Elon Musk.
For example, 'Morning Joe' Scarborough called Musk 'a genius', 2 November 2022, and if time had permitted, Scarborough would have call Musk a genius, perhaps as many times as he called McConnell, Moscow Mitch, in a single morning's program, 11+ times.
Remember, before he and the daughter of a former national security adviser, whose father thought the problem with America was it was too democratic, were shunned by the liar-in-chief, Scarborough and the daughter, fully intended to be a part of the espionage-a-lago crowd, a rather bloody blunder, if ever there was one, right Joe?