. . . in times of crises American presidents assemble the best minds to address the problem
Eric LaMont Gregory
The oil spill in the Gulf presents 'a clear and present danger' to the United States
During the Cuban Missle crisis JFK assembled some of the best minds in America to thrash out an adequate response to Soviet intentions to place and maintain nuclear weapon delivery systems on that imprisoned island. These missles would have be able to attack more than a third of the Continental United States. Bobby Kennedy, MacNamara and others came together and adverted a monumental threat to the United States.
Earlier, Roosevelt, had learned that the Nazis were attempting to develop the atomic bomb. Rooselvelt assembled teams of the top scientists in America and these scientists produced the first deliverable atomic bomb. They harnessed the energy of the atom.
More recently, former Prime Minister Blair was confronted with an outbreak of foot and mouth disease. He assembled two teams one in London another from the Oxbridge schools. These scientists produced two distinct approaches to the problem, the one from the Oxbridge schools was implemented and rather quickly brought the crisis underhand.
Mr President, for nearly a month a torrent of oil has been spuing from the floor of the Gulf of Mexico and several, rather feeble attempts by BP to stop the leak have been frankly ineffectual. It is time for you, Mr President, to assemble the best scientific minds in this country and sequester them and let them get to work on this problem.
Not to do so would lead many Americans to believe that you are under the assumption that you have already surrounded yourself with the best minds in this country, or that you live under a near equally fatal delusion that BP has a monopoly on wisdom in these matters.
You must muster all the scientific brainpower available and bring this crisis to an end. Once that is accomplished there will be much to be done to repair the damage that has already occured. This disaster will be with us for the forseeable future.
After 9/11 we learned that various Al Qaeda associated financiers with full knowledge of foresight had bought airline stock 'short' and potfited by the inevitable fall in the value of airline stock after the attacks on the World Trade Center Towers. How much unusual stock trading was there in the immediate aftermath of the BP oil rig disaster? Why is BP stock still being traded, and who is buying and who is selling and renting it and on what terms?
I trust that in the next few days teams of scientists will be convened to begin trashing out a way to stop the disaster in the Gulf.
Remembering the logic of a good intelligence officer as one who looks north, east and west when everyone else is fixed upon the south, take whatever measures are necessary to take control and safeguard the heritage that is our Gulf Coast.