Brown v Board of Education is the crown jewel in the Banning, Gorsuch and Trump plan to dismantle the administrative state
Eric LaMont Gregory 2020
When one reviews the list of names (Banning) from which Trump picked Gorsuch, it becomes crystal clear that Gorsuch was the one name on that list that would most likely review Brown v Board of Education.
The sitting eight members of the Supreme Court, while Gorsuch is engaged in a charm offensive before the US Senate, reviewed a major disability decision, Endrew F v Douglas County School District, and found Gorsuch's ruling in that case to be wrong.
In fact, Gorsuch's decision, now overturned without descent, had everything to do with far right ideology, and nothing to do with the constitution and the rule of law.
that Gorsuch's approach, deminimus, would affectly strip disabled students of their right to an education.
With Trump in the White House, Sessions as Attorney General, DeVos as Secretary of Education pushing a voucher system for school attendance (this author used the term attendance and not choice purposely), and Banning's goal of undoing the administrative state (among other priorities), when one reviews the list of names (Banning) from which Trump picked Gorsuch, it becomes crystal clear that Gorsuch was the one name on that list that would most likely revisit Brown v Board of Education.
And, that is why (ideology over the rule of law) Neil Gorsuch must never become a member of the Supreme Court of the United States.