Paul Manafort, Donald J Trump & Michael Cohen, conspired against the United States motivated by personal ambition and greed
Despite Donald Trump's frequent and vociferous protestations that he is an innocent victim of a 'witch hunt' by his political opponents. The pre-sentencing filings by the Office of the Special Prosecutor and the Southern District of New York, in the cases of Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort, Trump's long-serving personal lawyer (fixer) and his former campaign manager, respectively -
make a clear case, a crystal clear case, that Donald J Trump in association with Cohen and Manafort by their willful actions sought to criminally influence the 2016 Presidential election.
The wording in the pre-sentencing filings leaves little to the imagination as to the extent to which Cohen, Manafort and Donald J Trump knowingly conspired to violate US campaign laws.
The evidence is irrefutable that Donald J Trump has committed crimes before and after his election, and therefore, Donald J Trump ought to be impeached, tried and removed from office.
The crimes in association with Corsi, Stone and Donald J Trump are discussed in a separate article.
The activities, the crimes, committed by Michael Flynn are also dealt with separately.
Flynn, unlike Corsi, Stone, Manafort, Cohen among others, joined Trump knowing that Trump had little knowledge or interest in the intricacies of international military and intelligence services shenanigans, that is, the activities which take place in the sewer in which the rich and powerful carry out their unofficial extra-national international agenda of skulduggery, theft, kidnappings and murder.
But as the world has witnessed, Trump has dipped his hands into the world of ethnic murder, political assassination and nationalist supremacist thuggery and now relishes involvement in these kinds of affairs.
And, the world is a more dangerous place because of it.
Trump directed crimes for which others will go to prison
Even a habitual liar like, President Donald Trump, with his recent tweet after the aforementioned pre-sentencing filings in the cases of Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort, managed to stretch credulity to the breaking point by his assertion that the filings concerning the actions of his former associates: 'Totally clears the President . . .'
When, in fact and in law, the filings by the special prosecutor and the Southern District of New York, directly and unequivocally implicate Donald J Trump in criminal activity.
Most worrisome to Trump is the Mueller statement that Michael Cohen provided the special prosecutor 'with useful information concerning certain Russia-related matters core to the investigation.'
Donald Trump, understands that there is one primary matter core to the Mueller investigation, and that is 'to ensure a full and thorough investigation of the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election . . . [as well as] . . . any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.
Therefore, Mueller's statement is a clear indication that the investigation of the core matters has led to the gathering of evidence that can prove that there was a relationship, contrary to law, between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
And thus, the reality of what is contained in the filings is a far cry from Trump's statement that the filings . . . clears the President.
And, although the New York State prosecutor's investigation of the finances of the Trump Organization and the Trump charities are far from complete, early indications are that the filings associated with those investigations will read much like the Southern District of New York damning assessment of Michael Cohen.
Interestingly, the Fox cable news Trump support group echoed Trump's remarks. And, one of their personalities, Hannity, knows full well that his previous explanation of what his association was with Michael Cohen will be revisited. Perhaps, Hannity, unlike Manafort, will be able to remember which of the many explanations he provided actually reflects reality. Something he does not have to concern himself with during his daily diatribe on air.
We are not so long removed from Pittsburgh, the pipe bomb mailings and the growing awareness that Trump has incited white nationalist groups to attack ethnic groups in this country to an alarming level, to not be fully aware that as Trump feels the pressure of sure and certain removal from office that he will become even more, if that is possible, incendiary.
And, as Donald Trump publicly and Steve Miller and the rest of the pervayeurs of ethnic animus ply their unholy trade from the shadows, more people are going to get hurt and more people are going to die.
The reality is that Donald Trump is simply not worth all the trouble.
And, a word to those Americans Trump is so desperate to have to continue to follow him blindly, while he orders the gassing of people at our borders:
The rule of law in the United States of America demands that a person seeking asylum has a right to be heard. And, they do not have to be from Norway to exercise their lawful right to do so.