Donald J Trump, Individual 1, is the Central Figure in the Mueller Investigation
E LaMont Gregory MSc Oxon
Incontrovertible evidence establishes irrevocable proof that a criminal conspiracy against the United States was committed, in collaboration with foreign entities, by Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Donald J Trump
Donald J Trump has engaged in criminal activity both as a candidate for the presidency, and as president of the United States of America
Slowly, but surely, the American people are awakening to the inescapable truth that the Trump administration is a criminal enterprise.
Roadmap to Impeachment
The firing of Jeff Sessions and the installment of Matt Whitaker as attorney general, represent an outcome interwoven inexorably to the facts of the case for the impeachment of Donald J Trump, as stated below, to wit:
There is incontrovertible evidence, which establishes irrevocable proof that:
Persons from the Trump campaign organization reached out to foreign persons, foreign entities and a foreign government for their assistance during an election, for the purpose of affecting the outcome of the election.
And, such conduct is contrary to US law.
Jerome Corsi, acting in concert with Roger Stone, helped to arrange that emails that had been stolen by Russian intelligence, and that might be damaging to candidate Trump's opponent, would be released just prior to the 2016 presidential election.
Stone was in regular and direct contact with Trump, while his contacts with Russian intelligence were ongoing, and Stone kept Trump informed through regular and direct communications as to the progress of the emails release.
Stone knew, and therefore Trump knew that Russian intelligence had stolen the emails, and they knew the source of the emails prior to their release.
The Russians, using the WikiLeaks organization, would not however, assist Trump unless he asked them to do so, personally.
And therefore, the Trump speech "Russia, if you are listening ...".
This act constitutes, in part, a source and a basis for the rather obvious leverage that Russia continues to exert vis-à-vis Donald J Trump.
In addition, during the campaign Donald Trump asserted falsely, time and again that he had no business interests with Russia, while in reality, he was actively negotiating to build a hotel in Moscow. The Russians knew he was lying to the American people and this constitutes yet another source of leverage that the Russian Government exerts over Donald Trump.
Michael Cohen lied to congressional investigators concerning the time period during which he negotiated with Russians on Donald Trump's behalf. Cohen exasperated his crime by delivering a statement before his false testimony to congress, which is now known to have been a signal to others to lie about the facts of Donald Trump's active ties and business interests with Russians. Donald Trump orchestrated Cohen's statement and false testimony to congress. This act constitutes a conspiracy to give false testimony under oath.
Incontrovertible evidence establishes irrevocable proof that a criminal conspiracy against the United States was committed, in collaboration with foreign entities, by Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen and Donald J Trump.
And, it is the conspiracy against the United States, and subsequent actions to obstruct the lawful investigation of a conspiracy against the United States, for which Donald J Trump faces impeachment, and if found guilty, removal from office.
This is a clear and unequivocal statement of the facts as they exist, and as the facts are known to the special prosecutor.