above all other matters Trump seeks to keep faith with white nationalist's agenda, as Trump's obsession with undoing Obama actions is increasingly pathological
impeachment looms ...
Eric LaMont Gregory
Coward-in-Chief, 'Let my people go!'
I could not imagine, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, asking his Secretary of War to deliver the '... day that will live in infamy' speech that announced to the American people that Japan had attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor.
But Donald Trump is no FDR.
The idea that Trump is rescinding the DACA program, because of a concern for the employment of Americans workers is a bridge too far. And, to the announcement by Press Secretary Huckabee-Sanders that the president is concerned about employment opportunities for Americans of African origin, and that that concern is somehow linked to the need to end the DACA program, there is only one possible response, 'Let my people go!
If, Trump had any sincere interest in the employment picture in the United States, the infrastructure bill, the jobs bill, would have been the highest priority on his agenda, not taking away healthcare insurance from the same people he purports to want to put into the jobs held by Dreamers.
Those who take solace in the 25th amendment, should consider the fact that Mike Pence, the first in the line of succession, is up to his neck in the Comey firing obstruction of justice scandal.
The second in the line of succession, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan (as quiet as it kept) is ensnarled in the Kevin Nunes, 'after I spoke with Ryan, he (Ryan) decided that I should take the information to the White House' violation of Congressional Ethics investigation. In addition, Ryan's Wisconsin congressional district is under review by the Supreme Court as an example of gross political gerrymandering.
As a result, President pro tempore of the United States Senate, Orrin Hatch, would assume the presidency.
It is doubtful, given the shear magnitude of the issues and problems awaiting executive action, that Donald Trump will not be impeached, for one reason of the other, in the near to medium range future.
But in the meantime the risk of a miscalculation between wannabe strongman Trump and the strongman North Korean leader propelling us into a war nobody wants is real and imminent.
Like DACA, the impeachment of Donald Trump is a political and a moral imperative.
The Congress must act now, before we slip into a ill-advised war and further moral decline of the United States occurs.