During the Capitol riot, Pence's security agents tried to convince him to get into a limo, and let them drive him away from the Capitol Building, Pence told the driver:
"I trust you, Tim, but you're not driving the car" Mike Pence, 6 January 2021
Shortly after the decision was announced in the E Jean Carroll v Donald J Trump defamation and sexual abuse lawsuit, Pence took to the airways, and stated emphatically that he had never been aware of Trump exhibiting any of the behavior described, either in the Access Hollywood tape, nor in any of the testimony presented in court, which resulted in the jury verdict in favor of the plaintiff, Carroll, against the defendant, Trump.
Recent evidence, however, casts doubt on the truthfulness of the statements by Pence as to his awareness, or otherwise, of Trump engaging in such untoward behavior, even while he and Trump were in the White House.
In fact, Trump engaged in such behavior towards female members of Pence's own vice-presidential staff.
Donald Trump's interest in one younger Pence staff member raised alarm in the White House, because he 'openly' behaved inappropriately, towards a former Trump administration official revealed in an interview with Newsweek.
Olivia Troye, who was an adviser to former vice president Mike Pence and his lead staffer on the White House coronavirus task force, said Trump's behavior was common knowledge among senior staff, these inappropriate behavior incidents were duly reported to chief of staff, Mark Meadows, which by protocol would include Pence.
There is no way Pence was not intimately aware of these incidents, and there is suggestion that Pence, on occasion, witnessed them, personally, and when he did witness them, he was told about the lewd comments Trump made about the shape of his daughter, Ivanka's body.
There was one short instance, when Pence, in mortal fear for his own life, emerged albeit briefly, from beneath the overarching shadow of Donald Trump.
Although he was being urged by his security detail to get into the limousine, Pence refused, and said to the driver, "I trust you, Tim, but you're not driving the car."
E LaMont Gregory MSc Oxon
... I'm a Christian, a Conservative, and a Republican — in that order
in Pence's self description, above, one has to be very careful in distinguishing the adjectives from the nouns
And still, under the American system of jurisprudence, Pence is compelled, under penalty of perjury, to swear, so help me God, to tell the truth, before testifying before a grand jury
While governor of Indiana, Pence suggested that God needed his help, with all due respect, Mike, there are precious few within the Christian community or clergy, who do not believe adamantly that it is certainly the other way around _ _ _
Pence testifies before grand jury
... Pence, like Trump, is an habitual liar
Pence is no stranger to attempts to conceal official records. While governor, Pence not only espoused that God needed his personal assistance, the former Indiana Governor also used a personal AOL email account during his four years in the governor's office.
That knowledge alone makes a mockery of Pence's acquiescence to the Trump, Clinton email controversy.
But state officials refused to release an unknown number of emails tied to the account after giving certain members of the press heavily redacted emails requested under a Freedom of Information Act, filed by the Associated Press, shortly after Pence was named Donald Trump's running mate in July 2016. Indiana officials have never stated whether they, Pence, or Pence's legal representatives, or all of them, took part in producing the highly redacted emails.
The approximately 1,300 redacted emails released were chosen, because the released emails contained little insight into the governor's mindset, as he signed laws opposing gay rights, limiting refugee settlement and addressing an Indiana HIV outbreak, which his actions, according to medical experts, made worse.
Notwithstanding attempts by the Secret Service management bureaucracy to conceal the service's electronic voice and text communications on the 6th of January, they did not get to hide or destroy enough of them, to prevent investigators, who subpoenaed Pence, from having enough information to cross check the truthfulness of Pence's testimony, and answers to questions put to him by the grand jury.
Pence testified before the grand jury for some five hours.
Well, more correctly, Pence spent five hours before the grand jury.
The five hours were not all spent in testimony, and questions and answers sessions, because first the grand jury had to acquaint Pence with the true nature of the proceedings.
Which included time to remind Pence that his truthful and factual testimony did require him to be the lips for God's ears, or to betray his lord and savior Trump, nor was he being asked, or compelled, to bear the cross, donning a crown of thorns, as he progressed along the Via Dolorosa, and climbed to Golgotha.
After some time, Pence seemed to get the idea that what the grand jury required from him was facts and the truth, and nothing but the facts, and the truth, Christian.