Brussels Revenge Attack ... and then there was Islamabad
Eric LaMont Gregory
. . . without the capability to infiltrate one of the Pillars of Islam, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, cannot put our security back together again, and that ability they do not have
Four days ago, we were all entertained with the efficiency with which European; French, Belgium and German intelligence and police forces, found, apprehended, and arrested one of the organizers of the Paris attacks.
Earlier today the facade of increased security in Belgium crashed, as another well-coordinated series of terrorist attacks at the Brussels airport and train station killed and maimed, scores and hundreds, respectively.
In 2005, this author wrote an executive summary, The Hour of Maximum Danger, on the containment of radical Islamic terrorism, and insurgency for second-term President GW Bush. A salient feature of that summary was the need to establish a decades-long strategy, with the full organizational, personnel and materials, necessary to counter what was going to be a decades, this is, at least a more than 20 years-long problem.
Many have asked for an explanation of why I used the terms terrorism and insurgency in association with attacks carried out in the name of radical Islam. Terrorism describes the attempt to instill fear in civilian populations and promote the idea that their police, military, intelligence and civilian authorities cannot protect them. Insurgency, on the other hand, although involving similar, if not the same tactics, includes attempts to gain control over actual geographic territory.
The response to the executive summary was cordial. However, it was thought unnecessary by the military and civilian advisers who reviewed it. Specifically, that setting up a counter insurgency force to contain a problem for decades, given the enormous resources then being brought to bear upon Islamic terrorism, was unwarranted since the problem (Islamic terrorism) could not continue to be a problem for another ten years, and not another 20 years, surely.
In other words, we appreciate your contribution, but we are the experts and we have this problem well in hand.
At that time, 2005, these (the reviewers) were mostly up and coming members of our military and civilian intelligence services.
They are now the most senior and celebrated members of it.
I sent that same report, updated naturally, to President Obama, after his "I will listen speech", however, there has been no response, to be fair, to date.
This time, rather than to send an executive summary to the officials who have the responsibility for such matters, I am publishing it, Understanding Radical Islam, made easy, and making it available to the public. The public, who in final analysis make the ultimate choice as to who our leaders will be that must make such monumental decisions about our safety and our future security.
The attacks on Paris, Brussels, New York, and Washington were not spontaneous in any sense of the word. And, the attacks in Brussels today, can be classified properly as revenge attacks, and show the full capability of the perpetrators to be prepared to carry out such attacks, at will.
Consider the capability of these groups to carry out revenge attacks in some of the most policed cities in the world, in light of the recent arrests made, and it just might lead the thoughtful observer to ask, with such large intelligence and policing operations in play, how could such acts be carried out, particularly, and at a major international airport, and train station at the crossroads of Europe?
The answer to that question is as shocking, as it surreal. Our intelligence and police forces; federal, state, local as well as international are, stated without mincing words, clueless when it comes to the breadth, depths and width of the radical Islamic terror campaign, and what is necessary to contain it, and as a whole they are in no way, manner, shape or form prepared to defeat it, obviously.
In a nutshell, all the resources we pour into intelligence does not allow our forces to penetrate the Wahhabi or Salafi terrorist engine that drives these attacks. To do so, our intelligence apparatus would have to infiltrate one of the Pillars of Islam, the Wahhabi and their Salafi allies who control Mecca and Medina. And, that they have not had, do not have, and will not have the capacity to do in the future.
And, without that capability, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men cannot put their own security back together again.
Furthermore, The Prime Minister of Belgium, like Hollande before him after the Paris attacks, will make bellicose pronouncements about how he intends to strike at the heart of the Islamic State, and literally (but in reality only configuratively) bomb them back into the 7th century.
If, either the prime minister of Belgium or France understood it properly, that is exactly the master plan for defeating the West, to prepare their own people to live in the 7th century, the glory period of Islam. They are preparing to do so. The problem for the West is that we are not prepared to do so.
Any executive summary assumes that the reader has sufficient background, that is, a more than basic understanding of the interrelations between often disparate forces which combine to bring a problem into our consciousness, or into public awareness, if you will.
To gain that understanding in relation to radical Islam, I respectfully suggest you read, The Ultimate Vanishing Act, which is available now, everywhere and through all variations of eBooks, Apps and print versions.
Understanding Radical Islam, made easy, will be available, in Europe shortly, and in the United States, before the party political conventions this summer.
And, with the publication of Understanding Radical Islam, made easy, and its predecessor and currently available, The Ultimate Vanishing Act, it will be obvious which world leaders, and which of the contenders for president of the United States, does and does not understand the nature and extent of the problem that radical Islamic terrorism and insurgency poses to our national as well as world security in general.
It becomes crystal clear, who understands it, and which of them is clueless, actually.
Click on image above, order book from Amazon and read the 1st chapter of the book for free. No special App necessary.
Eric LaMont Gregory, an Oxford-educated diplomat, scientist and author, for more than four decades operated in the highly secretive corridors of the upper chambers of international intrigue and power.
The Ultimate Vanishing Act reveals how different the Middle East, Central, South and South East Asia, North, Central, East, West and Southern Africa, Europe as well as the Americas would be today, had it not been for some rather monumental errors emanating not only from Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels and other European capitals, but also from Moscow, Beijing as well as Tokyo and New Delhi.
The Ultimate Vanishing Act is a must read book for anyone who wants to understand current world events, and the onset and the assiduous surge of radical Islamic terrorism and insurgency on a global scale.