What is the relationship between Ben Meiselas, Michael Popok, Karen Freidman Agnifilo, and the New York Courts?
When you have deduced all which is impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth. And, in essence, it can be inferred, they are scavengers, gaining off of fees passed on to them by judges, with rather lengthy, time-consuming procedural, or settlement claims, which the judges, do not want to taint their respective calendars. These cases and the fees, withholding their supervisory expenses associated with the cases, are assigned to the likes of Meiselas, Popok and Agnifilo (who recently appeared on CNN as a legal commentator, go figure).
It really is the Midas touch
Who are theses judges, who accounts for the public expenditure, and how did they come to pass court work on to these particular lawyers. We know they will argue their expertise, but some have been around long enough to know there was a time, when ethnicity was just as important, in such distributions. Who monitors the outcomes, for quality assurance? Has anyone complained about the fairness of the distribution of such cases, and who heard their complaints, are there records in the annals?
- watch this space -
MSNBC court artist lies with drawing
MSNBC court artist shows Trump staring up at Stormy Daniels during her courtroom testimony. This is false, a lie. Trump did everything possible to avoid what this drawing depicts, erroneously. Trump looked down, up at the monitor, glared scornfully at one or another of his attorneys, and all in an observable effort to avoid absolutely, looking straight ahead at Daniels at any time, not even momentarily, during her entire testimony. This is a blatant attempt by MSNBC to cast Trump as someone who is willing to face down his accuser, which the coward is not.
This is a shameful display by MSNBC, but it again confirms their slogan, "This is, who we are."
Ana Cabrera, MSNBC, is not to be trusted. Here's, why?
A day after the court artist illustration, shown above, was exposed for the misleading story that it portrays, Ana Cabrera, used the debunked drawing on her show this morning, 9 May 2024.
When reporting on the woman who was shot thru the door by a racist neighbor, Cabrera stated, after the story line was essentially over, just as the station went to break, that the racist killer had complained about the woman's kids playing on the killer's private property. This is a lie.
The property is composed of rental units and all the grounds around the various buildings are common ground, public. There are no individually separated spaces in front of the units that all the children in the complex cannot and do not play on.
Cabrera, must be called to testify at the murder trial, since she has evidence that the killer had it out for the racialized community kids, to the point that she did not want them playing on property that they have a right to play on, just because it was in front of her rental unit. No record of her objecting to other children playing in the same space has come to light. Rental property lawyers have confirmed status of grounds, is as stated here. See you in court, Ana.
scroll down to read abstract of letter ... more Conservative psychodrama, an open letter to Alberta Premier Danielle Smith - apologize, or resign -
theoxfordscientist.com to launch YouTube channel
... it becomes necessary - ... hoc erit necessarium
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... it becomes necessary
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How the new YouTube channel title - ... it becomes necessary, - came about
the Committee of Five -- John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Robert Livingston of New York, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia — were selected to draft the Declaration of Independence
Notwithstanding that several drafts of the Declaration were revised by other members of the Committee of Five, as well as, the Second Continental Congress, Thomas Jefferson, is credited as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson relied upon the Virginia Declaration of Rights when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. The Virginia Declaration of Rights was penned by George Mason in late May 1776. And, was adopted unanimously by the Virginia Convention on June 12, 1776, with two notable and historic amendments.
The Virginia Declaration of Rights was adopted before the Declaration of Independence, and therefore, The Virginia Declaration stands as the oldest constitutionally based document concerning the protection of American rights.
Amongst the most enduring, and often recited words in the Declaration of Independence reads: When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary ...
The phrase “ ... it becomes necessary” from the Declaration that we have chosen for the title of our YouTube channel, carries immense weight and echoes the call to action for the American colonists. And in very few words, encapsulates the urgency and determination to overcome adversity and secure a better future, which Jefferson understood to be the the core essential purpose with which they had assembled to address.
At the same time, we are reminded, by Jefferson, that '... all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed.'
The choice, the dilemma, posed by Jefferson is, in fact, one as old as humankind itself, and nearly 176 years before Jefferson et al penned the Declaration, William Shakespeare asked the same enduring question, as to whether or not one should maintain the bonds that are the source of their discontent, but with which they are familiar, or ... actively seek to dispel the objects of their displeasure, even if it means embracing a brave new world?
"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?
The choice remains a potent one to this day, and events at home and around the globe bear witness to this fact.
Those familiar with theoxfordscientist.com, return to it for the insightful analyses of the important events that have, and will continue to shape the course of human events and discourse, which from time to time necessitates some to act in a manner, '... as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness', as the Declaration suggests.
And thus, we have chosen the immortal words ... it becomes necessary - as the title of our foray into the world of YouTube broadcast channels that put forth thoughtful analyses of the oft observed periodic sinusoidal and cosinusoidal ebb and flow like nature of human activity, in both times of adversity as well as mutual endeavour.
In other words, so many steps in one direction, followed by so many steps in another, while engaged perpetually in the decision as to what that next step ought to be.
And, that is perhaps what makes life meaningful, ultimately.
- theoxfordscientist.com
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... a sampling of upcoming topics
1. more Conservative psychodrama, UK, USA, Canada
2. the 2-day hiring and firing of Ronna McDaniel
3. the Washington press conference and press corps
4. Michael Popok's descriptors of Democrats
5. Michael Cohen, a nasty piece of work, taxi anyone?
6. Farron Cousins, "Nikki Haley has no baggage"
7. an open letter to Premier Danielle Smith - A, or R
10. Trumps touts 100 to 150 diehard-supporters that will cause violence, when he is convicted. Each of these diehard-supporters is eligible for pre-emptive arrest. Question is, do we have to beg the DOJ to do its job, as in the Ahmaud Arbery case, Merrick Brian Garland?
Those familiar with theoxfordscientist.com, return to it for the insightful analyses of the important events that have, and will continue to shape human discourse, which from time to time necessitates some to act in a manner, '... as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness', as Jefferson described the motivation for a change in circumstances.
Please visit theoxfordscientist.com, where you will discover a wealth of well researched articles on the current events that are shaping our world.
What you will find below is, a brief sampling of some of the upcoming topics, events and ideas that will be discussed, which we trust will give the viewer a sense of what this new YouTube channel, ... it becomes necessary, has to offer, to wit:
... more Conservative psychodrama, an open letter to Alberta Premier Danielle Smith - apologize, or resign -
This site will shortly publish an open letter to Alberta Premier Danielle Smith.
Smith shared a stage with Tucker Carlson in both Calgary and Edmonton several weeks before Carlson's chilling interview with the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in the Kremlin.
Conservative, as well as looney-right Albertans, have coveted Edmonton as a place where they could make significant inroads towards being as acceptable to Edmontonians as they tout being to a number of Calgarians.
However, recent elections paint a very different picture. Attention is drawn to the fact that of the 20 MLAs elected to represent the citizens of the 20 electoral districts located within Alberta’s capital, Edmonton, not one of them represents the premier’s United Conservative Party, not one of them.
And, it comes as no surprise to the discerning citizen that the whole Alberta Sovereignty within a United Canada Act, ASWUCA, is a propaganda vehicle for Smith to huff and puff and to threaten to direct provincial bodies to refuse to enforce federal laws.
But alas, the fiber of the Federal government of Canada is not made of straw nor sticks, but of huff-and-puff proof bricks, and is administered by citizens, who know all the wolf's tricks.
In unequivocal terms the open letter states that Smith having shared a stage with the race-baiting Tucker Carlson has upset more Albertans, than those that found Carlson's hobnobbing with the premier, acceptable.
This author draws particular attention to a previous article on this site, titled: Don't cry for me, Alberta, which concerns Smith's predecessor, Jason Kenney.
The previous article was written by this author nearly a year before Jason Kenney used the exact words from the title of that article to announce his resignation, which eventually gave Alberta, first through the process of an internal Conservative party vote, Premier Smith.
The abovementioned article includes a section comparing the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to institutionalized seniors in Canada, specifically, the Provinces of Alberta and Ontario, and comparable provincial circumstances in the region of Lyon, France. The details of this comparison were shared with the professional and scientific medical community, and for the first time will be made available to the general public.
At the time of the highly limited release, several medical experts asked why a limited release was even necessary. The answer is not a surprising one. If it had been shared with the National Post at the height of their anti-mandate campaign hysteria, Rex Murphy for example, would have told us a lie that would fit in with his penchant for false equivalency, such as, the Ottawa convoy protests were to its participants, what ... was to ... . I cannot give such blatant sophistry, anymore airing than it has already received.
Kenney's resignation resulted, in part, from the release of that comparative handling of the COVID pandemic vis-à-vis seniors' article, and exactly 281,000 other reasons.
Kenney, to save his premiership would have had to steer a very different course concerning the pandemic, a bridge too far, given his leadership of a political party geared to the triumph of politics, as opposed to policies and initiatives that are fitting and proper to the challenges at hand.
Smith, at this juncture, has to apologize sincerely, for the affront to the dignity of more Albertans than not, that the presence of Tucker Carlson on stage with the highest constitutional officer of Alberta Government, occasioned.
It is decision time for Alberta Premier Danielle Smith. Sharing the stage with Tucker Carlson has had wide-ranging repercussions, and none of them serve the people of Alberta well.
A course correction away from fanning the flames of ethnic nationalism, which your presence on the stage with Carlson broadcast far and wide, must be addressed, and forthwith.
As detailed in the open letter, an apology to all those who you so egregiously offended is already long overdue. And, in terms of your premiership, each day forward, without you doing what is right, hastens forward the last day of your premiership. A third alternative is not apparent, rational, or viable.
Apologize now, or resign.
... the 2-day hiring and firing of Ronna McDaniel by NBC chair Cesar Conde
A few days after boldly announcing that Ronna McDaniel, of NRC election interference notoriety, would be joining the NBC network:
NBCUniversal News chair, Cesar Conde, facing a level of internal and external blowback rarely seen in the corridors where such hiring decisions are made. Conde, explained his second decision in the 2-day hiring and firing of McDaniel, while never having explained properly his first decision, which was to hire the illiberal, election denier, and participant in election interference.
Remember the Michigan electors' tape, Cesar Conde:
“If you can go home tonight, do not sign it. … We will get you attorneys.” —Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the RNC, stated in a phone call in which Trump also participated on November 17th, 2020 with Monica Palmer and William Hartmann, two GOP canvassers for Michigan’s Wayne County. Trump and McDaniel urged the two canvassers not to certify the official tally of the votes cast, which saw Biden win with some 68% of the vote.
The Detroit News published a recording of the 17 November 2020 phone call Trump made and McDaniel made in an attempt to pressure the two local Michigan Republican officials, not to certify their county’s official election results.
Cesar Conde knew Chair Ronna McDaniel was on that phone call with Trump, pushing Monica Palmer and William Hartmann, to reject the certification, minutes after they attended a canvassers meeting. Both Palmer and Hartmann did not sign the official statement of votes for Wayne County and later tried to rescind their votes in favor of certification, but failed.
Cesar Conde might survive his misadventure to bring McDaniel into broadcast news, but it is akin to the comment Obama made in reference to Jake Tapper leaving the White House Press Corp, Obama described it, Tapper was leaving journalism to join CNN. And his descriptor has held true of Tapper ever since.
In final analysis, the 2-day hiring and firing of Ronna McDaniel by NBC chair Cesar Conde, gives true meaning to the network sloganeering branding statement - ... this is who we are.
... the Washington press conference and corps
It is interesting that in the age of purported transparency, how the daily press conferences that are broadcast into our homes, workplaces and through a host of various electronic devices into every aspect of our lives, are actually conducted.
In general, what we see is an official spokesperson standing at a lectern, speaking into a microphone. And after making a statement, invites members of the press corps to ask questions.
What we hear is someone from the press corps, usually unseen and unidentified shouting out a question, or two, to the spokesperson.
What a cozy atmosphere, the spokesperson and the members of the press know one another, because they participate in these superlative examples of official transparency, often.
But the viewing audience has no idea who is actually asking the question, or the news organization they represent, because the reporters, usually off-camera, almost never proceed their questions or as often their comments by identifying themselves and the news organization they represent.
In this regard Rear Admiral, John Kirby, a National Security and Defence Department spokesperson, offers no more transparency in his duties than another Navy person, Commander Sean Spicer, did while serving as the first Press Secretary for the previous administration.
And, Rear Admiral Kirby, that distinction, is no badge of honor.
Michael Popok's descriptors used in reference to Democrats were - Southern and ugly
One of the host commentators on the MeidasTouch Network, Michael Popok, made the following statement, "I am not some Democrat (... bah-dah, bah-dah, bah-dah), because I carry a gun for personal protection."
What we will examine are the exact words, the descriptors, Popok used, where we have placed the, bah-dah, bah-dah, bah-dah, in his quote.
The descriptors, the phrases Popok chose to use were to some utterly debasing, in the sense of being akin to an ilk recognized by some as Southern and ugly speech, but as we shall demonstrate Popok's chosen words are characteristic fully of the morally attractive language that is pleasing to the audience Popok caters to on the MeidasTouch Network and on his other outlets.
as Trump's fixer, Cohen was a nasty piece of work, but now, he is paraded on media outlets like a rock star, nonetheless, the time Cohen spent in jail is a pittance of what is due him
The work i.e., the threats, intimidation, and acts of sabotage, Michael Cohen carried out, for and on behalf of Donald J Trump, had real targets and real victims, and about them we will not hear a solemn word from the likes of Ben Meiselas, Michael Popok, Karen Friedman Agnifilo, et. al., and the silence of Harry Litman and Dave Aronberg on these matters, is deafening
Sam Nunberg in a PBS Frontline program interview, stated that “Michael ... was able to close a lot of problems down,” for Trump.
And, Let there be no doubt about it, Michael Cohen was a very nasty piece of work.
Michael Cohen was Donald Trump's day-to-day problem fixer at the time he became big in the Manhattan taxi business.
Military officials described Jim Jordan as acting like a Pitbull in the presence of Donald Trump, well Michael Cohen, was much much worse. Threats and intimidation flowed from his tongue and pen on behalf of Trump, and Michael liked his work.
Those closest to Trump, to gain and maintain his confidence, especially the ones who make money serving him, more often than not, take on Trump's likes and dislikes, or they do not last in his inner circle very long. There are a lot of lawyers willing to do Trumps bidding, no matter how otherwise unconscionable the tasks to be preformed may be. Michael liked his work for Trump, and was a real student and enthusiastic player of the threats and intimidation game. In his cherished role as Trump’s 'fixer' — Cohen liked to brag that he was willing to take a bullet for his boss.
In psychological terms, Cohen exhibited and manifested observable traits and behaviors associated with his morbid identification with Trump as an authority figure, and secondly Cohen's tendency to adopt Trump's dislikes of certain individuals and groups as his own enemies, which triggered Cohen to act aggressively towards those individuals and groups.
Cohen's aggression over the years manifested as verbal attacks, threats of court actions as well as physical violence, spreading vicious rumors, and even deliberate and well-coordinated acts of sabotage.
Michael Cohen assumed Trump's racist attitudes, and Oscar-winning African American actresses and actors, could not hail a taxi in Manhattan, while Michael Cohen working for Trump, was a big player in the Manhattan taxi business.
And now Michael Cohen is paraded like a rock star on the MeidasTouch Network, and several legacy news outlets. It makes perfect sense though, as we shall discuss and demonstrate, because this is who, and what these YouTube and legacy news outlets really are.
The amount of time Michael Cohen has spent in prison, is but a pittance of what is due him.
It must be remembered that the recommendation that the MeidasTouch rock star serve 'substantial' prison time, did not include an opportunity for Cohen's many victims over the years to present their victims' statements to the court.
Farron Cousins, Co-host, The Ring of Fire, and @FarronBalanced, stated 'Nikki Haley has no baggage associated with her candidacy'
During a recent discussion of Nikki Haley's candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination, Farron Cousins, nom de guerre 'farronbalanced' (fair and balanced) stated emphatically, "Nikki Haley has no baggage," ostensibly in Cousins view associated with her candidacy.
There are a number of ways to debunk Cousin's erroneous assertion, and they all begin with a rather extensive list of the items of baggage that Nikki Haley brings with her to the contest.
A more significant assessment, however, is to discern whether Farron Cousins, cannot see the baggage associated with Haley's candidacy, because he is stricken by systemic tunnel vision, pattern blindness, or by an equally severe case of wilful linkage blindness, which renders him incapable of seeing the sheer magnitude of the baggage that Haley carries with her in the political arena.
There is an illiberal nightmarish vision of Americana in which Cousins can dwell, where Haley, like her former boss, comes on the scene with Mother Theresa like qualities, but that space is inaccessible generally speaking, at least while one is awake, rational and sober.
In final analysis, what we have here is a case where the baggage that is associated with Haley, concerns individuals, groups, causes and events, which don't even register on Cousin's radar, and are not included in his narrowly defined worldview.
... to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them
Nearly, 176 years before Jefferson helped to pen the Declaration, William Shakespeare asked the same enduring question, as to whether or not one should maintain the bonds that are the source of their discontent, but with which they are familiar, or ... actively seek to dispel the objects of their displeasure, even if it means embracing a brave new world?
"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing, end them?
In Jefferson's word: all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But ...
The choice remains a potent one to this day, as events at home and around the globe bear witness.
We look forward to you visiting our site, ... it becomes necessary, and please subscribe, so we can attain the numbers we need to operate the channel, properly. Subscribing in the pre-launch stage is of great assistance to our programming.