With the release of The Ultimate Vanishing Act, the Oxford-educated diplomat and scholar, Eric LaMont Gregory, announces his intention to seek the presidency in 2020
The Ultimate Vanishing Act
2020 US Presidential Candidate Releases Powerful Historical Narrative on theTerrifying Rise of Radical Islamic Violence, and other equally pressing national and global issues
For Immediate Release
Written by renowned diplomat and scientist, Eric LaMont Gregory, ‘The Ultimate Vanishing Act’ invites readers into the quagmire of history – as told by someone who has actually lived it. Fromthe Cold War to the formation of Al-Qaedaand the horrorsof the 11th of September, Gregory presents a compelling accountof responsibility, global security, and how the past always informs the future …
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada–In 2020, Oxford-educated author and scientist, Eric LaMont Gregory will seek the office of President of the United States. With his unique and dynamic experience of working within the upper echelons of diplomacy, Gregory is poised to become ‘the candidate to watch’ in the next presidentialelectioncycle. In his first message to the global community, Gregory is releasing ‘The Ultimate Vanishing Act’, a historical narrative informed by the staggering issues he witnessed during his career. Gregory plans to run on a platform to build an America that is securegeopolitically, and in which economic security is a reality for each and every citizen. “I believe that the average citizen can – and perhaps, must– understand the myriad of forces that drive world events,” Gregory states. “I wrote this book, in part, to help move that vital process along. It’s absolutely crucial that citizensgrasp what is done in their name by their leaders and how suchactions shape the way we are viewedbyothersaround the world.”
The Ultimate Vanishing Act is as rareas it isan importantpiece of historical narrative literature and a timely contribution to world security. The book's ultimate importance lies in the way it connects important historical events with contemporary problems and issues.
The author, Eric LaMont Gregory, provides an eye-opening account of current world events and how the decisions we make today willinfluence the forces that propel us into the future.Andreminds us that decisions made in thepastimpactthe problems and opportunities we confront today, in ways that more often than not carryenduring consequences. The author begins with the 1967 Six-Day War, and takes us on a journey through the 1970s, in which the Oil Embargo by OAPEC (1973), the advent of the Taliban, the formation of al Qaeda and the Iranian Revolution, loom large. This was also the era of the Vietnam War, where ethnic divides within American society played out on that distant battlefield, and left some rather, but yet unresolved, disturbing legacies. While Reagan fought the Cold War with the Soviet Union, radical Islam gained strength, so much so, that by the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall, global radical Muslim insurgency and violence and the 11th of September 2001 became inevitable occurrences.
Gregory ties these events, and others of equal weight and importance together into a seamless narrative, that invites the reader to become a witness to the conversations and decisions that have shaped the world as it exists today. The Ultimate Vanishing Act is undeniably informative and a right riveting read. ‘The Ultimate Vanishing Act’ is not only a transformative experience for those who read it - it’s also a call for change in the nature,course and directionof current political discourse within our national borders and beyond them. “It’s a reminder that we must counter indiscriminant violence againstcivilians by radical Islamic insurgents,” says Gregory. “We cannot sit idly by and watch these atrocities occur time and time again. Ihope I’ve managed to get my message across ina way that not only informs – but entertainsas well as motivates.”
Early readers of The Ultimate Vanishing Act certainly think so. And, describe the book as "Detailed, revealing, charming, funny, witty, compassionate, sensitive, adventurous, and seductive." –author, My Invisible Empire
Eric LaMont Gregory, MSc(Oxford), received his master's degree from the prestigious Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine, Green College, Oxford University. The author is a world-class medical scientist, credited with unraveling the intricacies of blood flow in the subcutaneous fatty tissue of critically-ill preterm newborn babies, as well as an international diplomat. To explain the relationship between his scientific and diplomatic pursuits, he states that whilemedical skill gets one into the fray,diplomatic acumen makes all sides want one to remain engaged.
To address the problems he has witnessed, Gregory will be a candidate for Presidentof the United States in 2020.
Although the author's run for the White House will begin in earnest in 2018, Eric LaMont Gregory is currently engaged inan extensivelecture, media and speaking tour toaddress the outwardly intractable issues, which have surfacedin the currentpresidential race.
The author'swebsite– www.theoxfordscientist.com– is a reserve of insightful analysis and scrutiny of the issues of the day, and reflects Eric LaMont Gregory's status as one of the most influential political and social commentators of the 21st century, well. Contact: