Right-Wing Extremist Groups & Hate Crimes are Increasing Alarmingly in Canada, Germany & the United States
As the noose tightens around the ex-president Trump & his presidency, Trump's white-nationalist rants have become more & more incendiary, with all too predictable and lethal consequences
And the son of a rob & hood donning member of the kkk in NYC, has been joined by the grand wizard of Florida, Mike 'Grant County, Indiana' Pence, and a host of other hate purveyors, on the presidential campaign trail.
If the immigrant-hating grand wizard of Florida, the offspring of immigrants
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. . . grief-stricken Pittsburgh, and a nation thrust into mourning
Where to begin?
If, we were confronted with a problem of physics and the material universe, although there are rare exceptions, we could rely on the fact that certain laws govern actions and the reactions to those actions. Such as, the law that states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Difficulty arises, however, when one attempts to reduce the laws of physics to chemistry.
But in the world of social affairs and interpersonal actions and reactions, the laws governing behavior and consequences are not as readily accessible to us as the laws of physics are. Which led Albert Einstein, when asked why people could discover atomic power, but not the means to control it, to reply 'that is simple my friend: because politics is more difficult than physics.'
Perhaps, since presidential utterance has so much to do with current events, we should begin with Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson observed that ... a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits ...
The relevance here is that in the American Republic, a wise and frugal government has enshrined free speech into the very fabric of the rights that people have to regulate their own pursuits, an inalienable right limited only by the fact and the awesome responsibility that free speech cannot be used to injure another.
It is this principal tenet of our republic that our current president, violates prodigiously. Prodigiously in the sense of his abnormal and monstrous disregard for the creed, the principles that guide the pursuit of a more perfect union among equals.
There were 'good people' on both sides, our current president said, speaking of those who chanted 'Jews will not replace us' as they marched around a statue to what the commentator Alex Witt called 'southern heroes'. The word she was looking for in this republic, where the rule of law reigns supreme, to describe those who signed the Constitution and then the Articles of Confederation, is not heroes, but traitors.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater is not an act of permissible free speech, Mr President, it is cruel depravity and shows a blatant lack of ethical grounding.
History will not be kind to those who sought power by riding the wave of inhumanity that our current president fosters. The president is not responsible, that is, he is not acting responsibly.
Trump did not fabricate pipe bombs, he did not carry guns into a place of worship and commit mass murder, but he has bragged that he could kill and go unpunished. He has very publicly encouraged others to commit acts of violence, which they have from coast to coast, increasingly and alarmingly. Trump has repeatedly promised to pay the legal costs of those who punched and kicked protesters at his rallies. He has spoken of members of other ethnic groups and creeds in terms unworthy of a holder of any high office. Ranting, which was meant to, and has encouraged hatred and violence towards his chosen targets.
No, Trump has taken the route of the ultimate coward, and uses the bully pulpit to encourage others to do his violent and murderous bidding, as if he is still trying to please his father who participated in a klan riot in Queens in which Italian Americans, then the object of supremacist scorn, were slain, brutally. That same father who sent the young Donald off to klan-infested Cincinnati to learn the art of segregated real estate dealings, during a time when the southern Ohio-based klan leader had regular telephone conversations with the director of the FBI.
Now, if though he could cleanse the blood from his hands, which he cannot, the un-indicted conspirator has visited a grief-stricken Pittsburgh, the scene of the deadliest anti-Semitic attack and massacre in American history, perpetrated by his 'good people'.
Trump did not utter one word that might leave one with the slightest hint that he realizes that the synagogue mass killings, the pipe bombs and the increasing random attacks on the streets of America, are linked to his incendiary invidious rantings.
Is there no balm in Gilead?
in process - bookmark this page, there is more to come
Donald Trump, is currently fighting the daunting subpoena power of the special prosecutor. But with due regard to Justice Department protocols, public awareness of that fact will only come to light after the November election. The White House counsel's recent departure came about because counsel was obliged to inform the president that his constitutional responsibility was to the office of the presidency, and that the problems besetting the president lie well outside that sphere. And, that an often spoken of looming constitutional crisis exists steadfastly in the minds of Trump supporters, but not in fact and in law. And, the subpoena came.
We will discuss the sudden resignation of Paul Ryan and the recent disappearance of Rudy Giuilani, as his absence and silence is obvious, glaringly so, in a future article.
Ryan's self-inflicted and disgraceful fall, to coin a phrase, is and will now and forever be linked to the 'midnight madness' and his tacit encouragement of the Nunes/White House intelligence hoax. Remembering, the recorded Nunes California speech in which he claimed that if we want to keep 'this' going, we have to keep the House of Representatives. There are grieving families in Pittsburgh who understand painfully, as does the nation, exactly what 'this' is.
Federal tax fraud investigators as well as the New York State prosecutor's office, among others, are well into what will ultimately, as in the conviction of Paul Manafort, strip Trump and his children of most, if not all, of their property holdings and bank accounts, for their decades of deliberate and willful tax evasion and outright fraud. Kushner's troubled New York properties, will shortly no longer be his concern.
The president's sister, a sitting federal judge, will either resign or be impeached for her part in the Trump businesses and charities decades-long litany of illegal activities. And, if those problems were not enough, although they are substantial, they also represent a fraction of the Trumps' past and continuing wrongdoings.
The election has obscured the fact that Putin has begun to speak out about the relations between Russian intelligence and the Trump presidential election campaign. Commentators, especially on cable networks, are rather fond of repeating the mantra that no one knows what the special prosecutor knows. Well, it should be obvious that that statement is unsound.
Both Trump and Putin know what the special prosecutor knows. Both American and Russian security and intelligence services know what the special prosecutor knows, as well as, those foreign intelligence services who, for lack of a better phraseology, broke the story, which prompted American intelligence services to wake up to the fact that orchestrated skulduggery between Russians and the Trump campaign was afoot. The reason Putin is speaking out now, while most Americans are rightfully so concentrated on the upcoming election, is that Putin and Trump can claim after the election, when attention is focused on what Putin is saying, as being old news.
Trump is fearful, cornered, and outflanked. And now added to his long list of future interactions with criminal prosecutors, especially for his children on state charges, Trump has to contend with the greatest threat to his beleaguered presidency, impeachment and trial. That process has begun in earnest now that he has been subpoenaed by the special prosecutor and the road map is in the hands of the public.
The road map, as it is being called, removes much of the fear of the unknown surrounding Trump's removal from office for the high crimes he has committed. Let us be clear, the road map is not conjecture, it is not supposition about what this or that person thought or conspired to do. The road map is a statement of the facts, and nothing but the facts. The road map is a factual list of the crimes that were actually committed, when they were committed, and by whom.
Trump's tactics of heaping ethnic division and hatred for those who find his brand of leadership Duce-esque, will not delay his day of reckoning. Trump believes irrationally that keeping the House of Representatives will save him, and there are those who cheer on his divisive mass murder inciting rants, but in final analysis, the facts are what they are, and all the rabble rousing in the world cannot put the genie back into the bottle.
King and Kobach will also pay the price of ostracization, as will those who continue to cheer on mass murder and ethnic scorn. The narrow angle camera shot, which is the predominant one used at Trump rallies, obscures the reality of smaller and smaller crowds at these white nationalist fear mongering gatherings, attended by those who long for the good ole days, when the psychological wage, was the only pay increase they ever received. But as long as they could feel that they were better than someone else, they could contend with empty bellies.
Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney missed a historic opportunity to demonstrate leadership in times of adversity, and both failed miserably. Ryan will be under investigation for most of the next decade, while a future senator Romney enters that chamber without a morsel of ethical or statesmanship credibility. Silence in the face of barbarity is not golden, Mitt, its just plain yellow.
While, most of Trump's officials, will never hold a position of public trust ever again, Steve Miller and Jeff Sessions, the architects of family separation, will eventually face trial for knowingly denying asylum seekers their lawful right to do so. And, someone will, must, stand trial for those children who have died while illegally separated from their mothers.
We must all take a deep breath, and remember that in the creed of this great American Republic, we scorn the evil done, we punish lawfully the evil doer, but otherwise maintain our unflinching respect for human dignity, and for human life.