Late Saturday night, terror struck on the London Bridge, seven known dead.
Canadian killed on bridge, American suffers head wound from stray police bullet,
during dramatic perpetrator take-down in nearby Borough pub and restaurant district.
A balmy Saturday night in downtown London turned to tragedy, when a rented white delivery van careened out of the vehicle lane, jumped the kerb, drove onto the pavement and began running into and over pedestrians out for a leisurely late night stroll across the iconic London Bridge. The vehicle had become, what is becoming an all too familiar weapon. - -
Seven of those late night strollers lost their lives immediately, or died as a result of their horrific injuries on the way to hospital. The fate of many others will not be known for hours or perhaps days.
In an attack by the same three who killed on the bridge, in the nearby Borough Market district the attackers randomly stabbed those on the street near the many pubs and restaurants for which the Borough district of London is well known. Details are still sketchy, but preliminary reports suggest that at least one of the perpetrators had a handgun.
In total, at this moment, nearly 50 causalities from this incident have been taken to half a dozen hospitals in London for medical treatment.
Barely a fortnight ago tragedy struck in Manchester, England, at the end of an Ariana Grange concert, where some 22 persons loss their lives and scores of others were injured by a suicide bomber. In that incident authorities were particularly concerned due to the sophistication of the bomb used. In the current attack a handgun was used, which has authorities equally alarmed due to the strict control of guns, especially handguns in the UK.
The London Bridge incident is the second vehicle and knife attack in London within a three month period. The March vehicle and knife attack near the Houses of Parliament also resulted in multiple deaths and injuries. Israel has long suffered these kinds of attacks, and it seems given the Nice vehicle attack on Bastille Day, and others across Europe, the third intifada wave is a global affair.
Since President Trump's 'losers' speech before some 50 Sunni Muslim leaders in Saudi Arabia recently, there has been a spate of deadly terrorist attacks. Whether there is a connection is anyone's right to speculate. At the same time, after the arrest of one of the suspected planners of the horrific Paris attacks, the Brussels airport and subway bombings were seen as revenge attacks. - -
It has been less than day since the horror on the London Bridge and ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks, and President Donald Trump has stated that the attacks are further justification in support of his proposed ban on travel from six predominantly Muslim countries to the United States.
Within hours of the horrific vehicle and knife attacks British authorities have taken nearly a dozen people into custody.