- as Covid deaths and cases of long-term morbidity soar in Jordan's woefully under-vaccinated district -
34% of ICU Covid survivors, will not recover, fully
E LaMont Gregory MSc Oxon
Jordan, pictured above, of OSU Larkins Hall infamy, tried cynically to to be an investigator on the select committee looking into the January 6th insurrection and riot, when he is, in fact, a material witness to the wrongdoings under investigation.
McCarthy, who attempted to place Jordan on the select committee, is also a material witness. McCarthy and Jordan had numerous conversations, and meetings with Trump during the planning stages for the rally and subsequent attack on the Capitol.
McCarthy and Jordan will be subpoenaed to testify before the select committee under oath, and under penalty of perjury.
... crimes against humanity
Woefully under vaccinated, is an apt description of the population of Jordan's Ohio Congressional district, where the number of people being infected with the Delta variant is soaring, that is, increasing exponentially.
And is a result, in part, of a relentless campaign to politicized the wearing of masks in the early days of the pandemic, and equating being vaccinated as a needless intrusion on a person's freedom, since the vaccines have become available.
These campaigns have been, for the most part, orchestrated by the Republican Party.
This is a fact, and yet CNN's Blitzer, Keilar, Tapper and King will produce a Republican or two to refute that statement, and MSNBC will get Alex Witt or the disgraced Christine Welker to parade a Republican or two who will swear that they never ever participated in the so-called restore freedom campaigns.
The number of the few Republicans that can honestly state that they did not actively participate, will be even fewer if asked if they actively resisted the campaigns.
These few are notable exceptions, and as such are both materially and statistically insignificant to the factual basis of the statement.
Thus, the statement that these campaigns have, for the most part, been orchestrated by the Republican Party, stands.
There is clear and convincing evidence that these campaigns give rise to a level of premature death that constitutes a crime against humanity. And further that the 'Milosevich principle' applies to the nature and the conduct of these campaigns.
It should be remembered that there is no evidence that Milosevich ever personally carried out, participated in, or ever actually verbalized an order to carry out any of the many attacks on civilians and the killing of non-combatants for which he was called before the International Court of Justice to answer.
Nor was it necessary for him to do so. It was only necessary that Milosevich was in a position to influence the conduct that gave rise to crimes against humanity by those that did attack civilians and carried out mass killings of non-combatants, and he did not use his position of influence to deter or to stop them.**
Your specific attention, in this regard, is drawn to the shouting match Jordan directed towards Dr Fauci, in which Jordan demanded to know when his constituents were going to get their freedom back, that is, be released from the public health measures, such as, masking and social distancing, which pre-vaccine were the best means of protecting the public health, and saving lives.
Jordan and his cohorts must remember that propagandists were tried for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg, even in absentia.
Let's gain an understanding of where we are now, and the impact the pandemic, given current vaccination rates, will have on morbidity and mortality in the United States, land of the free and home of the brave.
As an example, imagine that all those currently unvaccinated miraculously had their first shot by the first of August. They would then have their second shot in six weeks, on the 15th of September. And by the first week of October they would be accorded as much immunity as the vaccines attain.
The problem is that from now until the first week of October, in our highly imaginative example, the rate of increase in infections in the unvaccinated and the not yet fully vaccinated continues unabated, slowed only by the same pre-vaccine public health measures, masking and social distancing, which gave rise to the Republican Party restore freedom campaigns.
Jordan and his cohorts praised themselves for their effort to make sure that enough Americans did not get vaccinated so that Biden and his administration could not reach the goal of 70% of Americans vaccinated by the 4th of July.
Therefore, the lives of their constituents, as well as others with whom they come into contact are placed at increased risk, so the Republican Party can score some irrational political gamesmanship points, on an ethereal scorecard.
In reality, however, all those currently unvaccinated will not acquire immunity by the first week of October, because they will not all be vaccinated by the first day of August, far from it.
At best, and we will develop this thesis further, we can reasonably anticipate, that with a Herculean effort we could reach a point where the vast majority of Americans are fully vaccinated and have acquired immunity by the first quarter of 2022.
Three fundamental pitfalls stand in the way, the Delta variant, and two others that are slowly but surely working their way into significance.
Second, the extent to which those who received the initial round of vaccines still maintain a level of immunity that will counter the worst effects of the new variants, is yet to be determined, and we cannot let the hope that they maintain a sufficient level of immunity to constitute the basis of a plan to counter the new variants.
Remembering that survival is not recovery, and hope is not a plan.
And third, insufficient attention has been paid to the lasting morbidity associated with surviving a moderate to severe Covid infection which required hospitalization.
It is precisely the long-term affects, which if known and understood properly that would spur more participation in the vaccination effort.
** For a more thorough understanding of the Milosevich principle and its application to crimes against humanity, consult - Chapter 4 - An End to War - The Ultimate Vanishing Act -
ICU Covid survivors have a - 34% - morbidity rate -
survival does not mean recovery, and for one-third of ICU survivors, Covid is a life sentence
34% of those who contract moderate to severe Covid-19, will suffer progressive brain cell deterioration in an area of the brain which protects us from schizophrenic thoughts and behaviors i.e., hallucinations, delusional behavior, disorganized speech, social isolation, intellectual deterioration, and emotional blunting. intellectual deterioration, and emotional blunting
And, after a period of such thoughts and behaviors of indeterminant length, brain cell deterioration will continue until the individual will require long-term care, where they will reside in an increasingly vegetative state unaware, in fact and in law, of what they have done to themselves or others, during the indeterminant period of schizophrenic thoughts and behaviors.
And there is no way back, brain cells cannot be repaired.
Putting this into perspective, in a population in excess of 30 million people, there are no more than 1,000 diagnosed cases of schizophrenia in Canada in a year.
Given the number of moderate to severe Covid-19 survivors in the Province of Alberta alone, the number of those with progressive brain cell damage, already exceeds the total number of cases of developing schizophrenia that would normally occur in all of Canada in an entire year.
Alberta lacks the capacity to manage the problem as it now exists, and the problem is growing steadily.
Some, including health care providers, erroneously take comfort in the fact that the 34% brain damage figure was derived from a study of only 230,000 survivors who were hospitalized with moderate to severe cases of Covid in the United States.
Their argument is that there have been millions of people who have recovered from Covid.
This is the first bit of illogic.
Whereas, it is true that millions of people with moderate to severe cases of Covid have survived, not all survivors have or will ever recover, fully. In fact, the evidence leads us to the understanding that 34% of survivors have not and will not recover to their pre-infection state of health.
34% of 230,000 survivors, means that there are 78,200 survivors, just from this sample of Covid survivors alone that have not recovered. Prominent among the disorders of the survivors who have not recovered are heart and lung problems, an alarming increase in diabetes and brain and mental disorders.
Let us step outside the rational and orderly world of professional healthcare administration and delivery, and based upon decades of previous experience, surmise what is going to happen as the mental health disorders associated with the brain damage caused by exposure to the Covid disease process begin to manifest in our communities. Especially, when the behaviors are of an increasingly disturbing and violent nature.
Overwhelmed and exposed to what is best described as an acute psychotic episode, and in need of perceived immediate assistance, the tendency, however reluctantly, will be to dial 911 and ask for the assistance of the local constable, the police.
What arrives is a response service whose training and experience is guided by the use of force continuum, and I need not dwell upon the outcome in too many instances that that call for mental health crises intervention assistance turned to tragedy, i.e., shootings, deaths while in custody, and even individuals in need of emergency mental health assistance falling from the balconies of multi-storied buildings.
When what is needed is the availability of a service, equally able to respond to an acute mental health crises situation, but whose training and experience is based upon a use of reasonableness continuum. And, just what service is available to do that, and what number does one call for their assistance?
That would be a useful bit of public service information.
... there's a tsunami of mental health disorders coming
First, let us consider why, the Department of Psychiatry of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine at Oxford, one of the most prestigious and scholarly universities in the world, a faculty and university of which this author is an alumnus, would undertake the study as outlined in the previous section and as detailed below?
An analogy should suffice to answer that question.
The study outlined in the previous section, and detailed below was undertaken for the same reason that we maintain military colleges and academies, that is, so that when the bullets start flying towards us, at least there is someone trained, who can tell us where the bullets are coming from.
A tsunami of mental health disorders is incoming.
Professor Paul Harrison, lead author of the study conducted by the Department of Psychiatry at Oxford, analyzed data from the health records of 236,379 moderate to severe Covid patient survivors in the United States.
The predictable incidence, based on the records of 236,379 ICU Covid survivors, documented that 80,368 of the survivors studied, that is 34%, were diagnosed with a neurological or mental health disorder within six months of their Covid infection.
The study, quoting its authors, suggests an urgent need for health systems to be equipped to deal with the now inevitable higher numbers of neurological disorders in survivors of the virus. The study was published in The Lancet Psychiatry Journal, 6 April 2021.
This is the kind of exacting information that will, if anything will, spur those who for whatever reason of ilk, continue to resist the singularly unique therapy available to ward off the most severe consequences of acquiring a Covid infection, for their protection and the protection of all those with whom they come into contact.
And that is, the sure and certain realization that if they survive an infection with the Covid virus, 1 out of 3 survivors, will never fully recover, because for one out of three Covid survivors, Covid is a life sentence.
But deterioration does not come quickly, what presents initially as pervasive, yet subtle, cognitive, behavioral and psychological problems, triggering a period of not infrequent psychotic episodes, will progress to a state of such problems of increased severity.
To an extent that as the mental deterioration progresses the survivor will be capable of doing harm to themselves and others without (sans) a conscious awareness, in fact and in law, of the harm that they are doing, or memory of the harm they have done.
This is the meaningful definition of psychotic episodes.
One in 3 Covid-19 survivors in the United States has already suffered a neurological or psychiatric disorder within the first six months of their initial infection with the virus.
We are just beginning to understand the impact this massive increase in mental disorders portends.
It is heart wrenching to learn of the young patients in Alabama hospitals, fighting for every breath, and begging the doctors to give them the vaccine.