... Ethnic Nationalism in the British Isles, North America and South Asia,
the RSS, South Asia's maga crowd
When this article was first published in October 2022, the ultimate paragraph, read as follows:
As a result of Sunak's move to No. 10, the rise of ethnic nationalism within South Asian communities worldwide, and the term Hindutva, as well as, the Rashtriya Swayamsevat Sangh (RSS) will become known and understood in the British Isles, as well as the words, fish and chips.
A Recent news item by CTV - How a 'supremacist' political ideology from India is said to be gaining influence in Canada - helps confirm the abovementioned statement as to the rise of ethnic nationalism within South Asian communities worldwide. And, will become known and understood in Canada, as well as the word, poutine.
Whereas, it might seem outwardly difficult to get a handle on exactly what the argument is, however an excellent starting point would be to try and understand the decades-long objection of the Indian government to the Sikh people being designated as a distinct people, as opposed to the Indian government's contention that the Sikh is a branch of the Hindu.
Where one stands on this issue will, for the most part, distinguish their South-Asian worldview.
It is a legitimate question to ask Mayor Sohi, for example. And, when he responds, the phrase, walk a tight rope, as when one enters into a dangerously precarious situation, will be an apt descriptor.
Christine Welker an of MSNBC reporter of South Asian origin, could not bring herself to acknowledge that Vice President Harris is of both South Asian as well as African Caribbean descent, Haley's attraction for ethnic nationalism in the US flows from her upbringing into the belief in Hindutva superiority on the South Asian Continent, and she was all too willing, as US ambassador to the UN, to oppose Sikh recognition of their distinct identity.
In what is described as the oldest surviving structure of discrimination on planet Earth today, the caste system of the Indian subcontinent, which established Brahminical supremacy on the subcontinent, is the template for the racial caste system that established white supremacy in Europe and the Americas. _ _ _
Danielle Smith, falters; Sunak, teetering
... Smith and Sunak Conservative psychodrama on steroids
E LaMont Gregory MSc Oxon
Liz Truss and Danielle Smith, became prime minister and premier, as the result of an internal party poll in which only members of their respective parties were able to vote
Smith, whose leadership is based upon a defective notion of sovereignty, outlandish actions and pronouncements, and continually brewing conflict, will be remembered, after her short tenure in office, as a comedy act
On her very first day in office, according to a recent opinion piece in the Star, Smith pulled a 180 on a key part of her campaign commitment to assert Alberta’s - sovereignty - in the face of federal laws, or even Supreme Court rulings that do not go her way.
True to her nature, Smith seems to believe that the sovereignty aura makes her immune from following the science in health matters, as her ascension has been met with a surge in pandemic cases.
The Star opinion piece reports that, Smith also made the ridiculous assertion that people who refused to get vaccinated during the pandemic were 'the most discriminated-against group that she had ever witnessed in her lifetime.'
If, one takes Smith's statements as indicative of her understanding of the pandemic, and discrimination in Alberta and Canada as a whole, it is therefore reasonable to assume that she sees her party-only election as a vindication of the extremely right-wing policies of the now defunct Wildrose Party crowd. But although her reign will be short, such public discourse illustrates that the damage that she can do, even in the short term, is considerable.
Did Smith consider that if her sovereignty act miraculously made its way into law, that Alberta's ability to trade with anyone other than other right-wing leaning provincial governments would be curtailed and a lot more expensive? And that none of the products made in Alberta, would in due course be permitted to be sold, traded, transferred or otherwise imported into the United States, none of the products made in Alberta.
The sovereignty act makes as much sense as - wexit - which stands as a shining example of a right-wing, Wildrose Party-like, extremist bridge to nowhere.
But when it comes to ridiculous and frankly cruel assertions by an illiberal, the crowning achievement in recent Canadian history of making the most outlandish statements still belongs to Rex Murphy.
Rex Murphy in the National Post, 15 July 2022, asserted that:
'... the most innocuous, genuine, non-violent demonstration of them all, which was the trucker's here in Canada, results in the most exceptional pursuit and prosecution of one woman who led an honest, decent protest.'
There are Canadian citizens who are still traumatized by being confronted by that angry mob that descended on Ottawa, the conditions of some of whom, both physical and psychological, including cases of hearing loss and sleep disorders, continue to deteriorate, to this day.
Both Poilievre and Murphy, are aware fully of these facts, but they just don't care, and as long as Poilievre and Murphy can cast the victims off as Trudeau supporting liberals, there will be more victims. But just as Alex Jones discovered, words have consequences, and free speech ends when you start yelling fire in a crowded theatre. With Poilievre its simple, just ignore him, but with Murphy one has to boycott each and every company, firm or service that feeds the institutions that employ him.
During 'the most innocuous, genuine, non-violent demonstration of them all', as Rex Murphy describes it, constables stood by and watched rioters smash windows, harass medical workers (our heroes), and hurl all manner of obscenities at members of the racialized communities.
Those constables were negligent and committed repeated acts of misfeasance (failure to act) while on duty, contrary to the Police Services Act. Reuters, and others news organizations, photographed, videoed and reported upon the scenes of mob violence contemporaneously (5 February 2022).
It took ten years, between the horrible events at Sandy Hook Elementary School and the conviction of Alex Joes in 2022, for defaming the parents of the children killed and injured, as well as those physically and psychologically scarred, on that fateful day in 2012.
It may take as long to bring Rex Murphy and the news organizations that continue to add insult to injury for those who were and remain traumatized by their interaction with the violent mob that descended on Ottawa. But, inevitably, like those who suffered the lies told by Alex Jones, Rex Murphy will have his day in the dock, a space where ethical bankruptcy meets financial ruin, to explain his defamations.
It just takes time, and remember Murphy and the organizations he writes for, are still living large by continuing the big lie.
It should be noted that Rex Murphy's writings during the mob siege of Ottawa, mirror and follow sequentially disinformation propagated by foreign adversaries of Canada, which is now that subject of an intensive CSIS investigation.
Fortunately, since CSIS is still peopled with so many of the old McFadden crowd, the activities of adversarial governments in Canada during the mob siege, and wexit before it, are also the subjects of investigations of the intelligence services of the US and several European countries, who have each been on the receiving end of similar acts of adversarial state-sponsored interference in their internal affairs.
It should be remembered that foreign adversaries cannot act without local cooperation. And Rex Murphy will play the role of the unwitting useful idiot, claiming that he just happened to get caught up in the right-wing anti-governmental fervor of the day, and just happened to parrot the disinformation of our foreign adversaries.
But the facts surrounding the disinformation message sequencing will not support that understanding of what happened, and when it happened. Murphy's political pandering will not obscure his role in the face of tangible evidence and verifiable intelligence.
Rex Murphy has been rather busy heralding the illiberal Conservative leader Poilievre, He suggested that Poilievre had to own the Ottawa riot mob to secure his position as party leader, which he did. And, lately Murphy has even taken on the role of suggesting which events Poilievre should and should not attend, which Poilievre has followed. Poilievre, in his position as leader of the opposition, unlike Murphy, has been privy to intelligence concerning the activities of our foreign adversaries, questions about which has made Poilievre run from events like the parliamentary press event, for fear of being confronted by his adherence to foreign adversarial disinformation.
Remember, Ottawa Police Chief Bell's promise to go after everyone involved in the mob violence, which obviously does not include enforcing the provisions of the Police Services Act for the inactions of those on his own taxpayer-funded force.
As recent reporting by the Ottawa Police Commission explains, Bell is the chief only because replacing him, would have meant that there would have been three different chiefs over a short span of time, and the commissioners were worried about how that might look to the under-served public of Ottawa.
the most turbulent period in British political history, has not passed, it is just beginning
Sunak's - eat out to help out - policy failed the UK, miserably
Returning to Liz Truss, the 50-day-wonder prime minister, and the debacle that is current British Conservative politics.
Reuters (London) writes, 'Rishi Sunak (a Conservative MP) looked set to become Britain's next prime minister, after his rival Boris Johnson quit the race, admitting he [Boris Johnson] could no longer unite their party [Conservative and Unionist] following one of the most turbulent periods in British political history.'
This author begs to differ, as will become evident in days and weeks ahead that the most turbulent period in British political history, has not passed, it is just beginning.
Danielle Smith, may well find solace in the fact that she alone is not the only leader to ignore sound medical science and cause a surge in pandemic cases, and the morbidity (long-haul syndrome) and mortality associated with a spike in infections.
In 2020, then Boris Johnson government, Chancellor Sunak, announced the now infamous 'Eat Out to Help Out' government-backed initiative, an unprecedented approach to tackling one of the worst recessions in British history caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
The anti-medical science initiative was followed by a steep surge in COVID-19 infections, which was not at all surprising.
It is a well-known medical fact, as reported by Toby Phillips, University of Oxford, a public policy researcher that crowds can cause the coronavirus to spread at alarming rates. The scheme directly contributed to densely packed restaurants and pubs during the month of August 2020, and such heightened activity was concentrated over the first three days of the week. But evidence has not, and will not prevent Smith or Sunak from ignoring sound public-health measures.
It will be known, just how much the 'Eat Out to Help Out' hair-brained scheme cost the National Health Service of the UK, and most importantly in terms of morbidity and mortality within the UK population.
A Chancellor, as opposed to a right-wing demagogue, ought to know from following the evidence that you cannot fight a recession by moving a little money into the hands of your business friends, while increasing costs dramatically in one of the UK's most important public-purse financed sectors.
A penny for your friends, and a pound from your taxpayers, is not a sound economic policy, that is, outside of the Conservative caucus room.
Rishi Sunak, is no Barak Obama, but a Nikki Haley-like illiberal, Haley assured her place in political obscurity by backing Donald Trump, at a time when it was ill-advised, as well as, both foolhardy, and unnecessary, Sunak's promise to unite the Unionist & Conservative parties, renders him unelectable outside of the party itself
Sunak's internal party win, has other consequences, notable among them is to bring the politics of South and Central Asia, and the often antagonistic relations between those communities within the UK into the realm of political discussion and analysis.
As a result of Sunak's move to No. 10, the rise of ethnic nationalism within South Asian communities worldwide, and the term Hindutva, as well as, the Rashtriya Swayamsevat Sangh (RSS) will become as well known and understood in the British Isles, as the words, fish and chips. (paragraph quoted in introduction, above)
_ _ _ ... list of 26 Republicans, who refused to denounce white nationalism and white supremacy, as well as, the great replacement conspiracy theory
James Comer - Kentucky 01 Jim Jordan - Ohio 04 Mike Turner - Ohio 10 Paul Gosar - Arizona 09 Virginia Foxx - North Carolina 05 Glenn Grothman - Wisconsin 06 Gary Palmer - Alabama 06 Clay Higgins - Louisiana 03 Pete Sessions - Texas 17 Andy Biggs - Arizona 05 Nancy Mace - South Car0lina 01 Jake LaTurner - Kansas 02 Pat Fallon - Texas 04 Byron Donalds - Florida 19 Kelly Armstrong - North Dakota Scott Perry - Pennsylvania 10 William Timmons - South Carolina 04 Tim Burchett - Tennessee 02 Marjorie Greene - Georgia 14 Lisa McClain - Michigan 09 Lauren Boebert -Colorado 03 Russell Fry - South Carolina 07 Anna Paulina Luna - Florida 13 Chuck Edwards - North Carolina 11 Nick Langworthy - New York 23 Eric Burlison - Missouri 07