None dare call it an act of tacit accomplice to the deaths of hundreds and hundreds of Haitians, but the shameful and deliberate use of 40% of relief effort funds for Haiti by the Red Cross for administrative costs, mostly for salaries in a Red Cross hiring system that is highly discriminatory, is an act of tacit accomplice to the deaths of hundreds and hundreds of Haitian women, children and men, and someone must be held accountable
shameful Red Cross 40% administrative costs results in the death of a thousand Haitians
E LaMont Gregory
Illustration of emergency housing for Haiti's internally displaced
Proposal sent to President Barak Obama, shortly after the earthquake. If implemented a thousand lives could have been saved resulting from the recent hurricane.
Within days of the devastating earthquake in Haiti several years ago, more than a million Haitians were without adequate housing and access to basic services. E LaMont Gregory sent President Barak Obama a proposal to use trailers, (port-a-cabins) as the basic housing structure unit, properly braced and anchored to the ground, making them earthquake and hurricane resistant. Gregory, had identified thousand of these units in the USA and Canada, that could be prepped and shipped to Haiti.
The sites for the housing units would prepared in advance of their arrival, and once on site within hours the housing units could be occupied. The layout of housing would conform to existing community housing patterns.
Anchoring and bracing the housing units in this way could save many lives and property in Haiti, especially in areas prone to the inevitable hurricanes in the Caribbean, like the one that recently killed a thousand people on that impoverished island.
The Obama administration did not embrace the proposal as this author had anticipated, but suggested that the proposal be shared with the Red Cross, and other partners of USAID, such as CARE, World Vision and Oxfam.
The American Red Cross collected almost 500 million dollars (488 million) in donations and matching funds from USAID (taxpayer money) for aid to Haiti including a proposal to supply housing to Haitians made homeless by the devastating earthquake.
Six (6) houses were actually built and the American Red Cross used 40% of the nearly 500 million, 200 million dollars, in administrative costs.
The total cost of the proposal put forth by this author to house more than 1/2 million Haitians in housing as illustrated above, amounted to less than the administrative cost of the Red Cross.
The housing proposed by this author would have saved the lives of a thousand people who died in the recent hurricane. American Red Cross has blood on its hands.
This author has written extensively about organisations like the Red Cross, CARE, World Vision and Oxfam's involvement in humanitarian assistance as the partner agencies of USAID and other national overseas development agencies. (see: The Ultimate Vanishing Act by Eric LaMont Gregory)
The American Red Cross uses its charity status to use the money it receives to deliver aid on behalf of the American people to pay their friends and relatives salaries they could not earn, given their skill levels, in any other organisation on this planet. Hiring practices are highly discriminatory within these agencies, as they are within the US State Department where USAID is located.
How anyone could be believe that racists in the US could go abroad and suddenly become fair in their treatment of people of African origin defies rational discernment.
The American Red Cross must pay back the 200 million they stole from the Haitian relief effort, and all those involved must be removed from that organisation, tried for maleficence, theft, and contributing to the death of a thousand people. And, not another cent in tax payer money should ever be used to support any effort by the American Red Cross.
WikiLeaks to release internal American Red Cross emails concerning Haiti relief effort, then we bring the managers of the American Red Cross to trial.
The Justice Department should seize the bank accounts of the American Red Cross, and all those paid from the 200 million stolen from Haitian relief, now.
Gregory Haitian housing proposal would have saved many, many lives when the hurricane struck
Gregory Sends Obama Housing Plan for Haiti how many deaths will it take …
2020 US Presidential candidate, E LaMont Gregory, sent a plan to President Obama to house some 500,000 internally displaced Haitians, shortly after a devastating earthquake struck that impoverished island.
Gregory worked in humanitarian relief operations from Bosnia to Rwanda while at Oxford University where he spent more than two decades as a research fellow.
A year after the devastating earthquake struck Haiti the housing situation for the displaced is in a word dire, Gregory’s letter to President Obama states.
“The current outbreak of cholera on that damaged island,” according to Gregory, “reminds one that safe drinking water, the sanitary disposal of wastes, and public health are linked to the provision of basic public services.”
The United States has spent nearly 300 million dollars on relief to Haiti.
Gregory identified tens of thousands of trailers sitting near various ports around the US that could be used to address the housing shortage in Haiti.
“Although, earthquakes are rare in Haiti; hurricanes are not, “Gregory stated, “therefore any housing plan, even if temporary, must consider the environment to which the structures will be exposed. Therefore, housing that is earthquake and hurricane resistant makes sense, and will inevitably saves lives and property.”
Gregory proposed the use of trailers that are braced and anchored to the ground in a way that will allow them to withstand the torrents that visit Haiti from time to time.
Working with a group of Haitian architects, engineers and urban planners who have sought to improve existing housing structures, Gregory helped devised the emergency housing plan based on a plan he helped to developed for a previous humanitarian crisis of similar scale.
The plan has three stages; first, the neighbourhoods have to be designed and the basic infrastructure put in place including water, sanitation and the electrical power grid. At the same time the concrete slabs and pylons to anchor the trailers to the ground will have to be established.
Technical details of the plan will be available on Gregory’s campaign website, - -
The second part of the plan, which takes place at the same time the sites are being prepared, is to ready the trailers. This includes the all important steel braces that will envelop the trailers and help to secure them to the ground in such a way as to make them both earthquake and hurricane resistant.
Gregory stated that, “The way in which the trailers are braced and anchored to the ground should be used even within the US to increase the structural soundness of all trailers especially those that are in tornado prone areas.”
The third phase of the plan is the actual installation of the trailers on site.
“The plan, Gregory explained, “can be implemented and house 500,000 displaced Haitians in about nine months time.”
When asked what the next step is, Gregory paused, let out a sigh and commented, "Well, the current administration has as a reaction to a recalcitrant legislature embraced only those things to which there is an observable 'public outcry', so if we can get the public to cry out, there is a reasonable chance that hundreds of thousands of Haitians will benefit.
And, if you are among those interested in the suffering of so many Haitians; write, e-mail, and telephone the White House and your elected representatives and let them know it."
"In 21st Century America, only the organised share in resources, and determine how American assets are to be deployed," Gregory continued, "I hope the public will respond and support this plan, it is a plan, and it is being introduced into a situation where planning is sorely lacking."
“There was, of course, premature death in Haiti before cholera, Gregory said. “The pertinent question to ask now, comes from the conventional wisdom which resounded when American hearts were melting in the 1960’s, that is, how many deaths will it take …”