America, got rid of it with the strongest weapons there are, great minds and the ballot!
“... if Mr Kushner and Ms Trump are genuinely concerned about salvaging their reputations, they would do well to stop suppressing truthful criticism and instead turn their attention to the Covid-19 crisis that is still unfolding under their inept watch.
“These billboards are not causing [their] standing with the public to plummet. Their incompetence is.” letter from, M Sanderson, attorney for the Lincoln Project, to M Kasowitz, an attorney for Ms Trump & Jared Kuhner
... those who self-identify as 'white', and do not wear masks, have triggered the current surge in CoV-19 cases in US & Canada
... rally-goers, not wearing masks, fanning flames of CoV-19 pandemic' --- --- ---
Lone woman, wearing mask, at Trump rally, pictured center top of above photo, and in enlargement below, holds 'Women for Trump' sign upside down, as 'a signal of the dire distress women find themselves in as long as Donald Trump occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
How many deaths will it take ’till we know that too many people have died?' Bob Dylan E LaMont Gregory MSc (Oxford)
... a mask in time, saves nine
... what is the difference between no one wearing a mask, and everyone wearing a mask? ... the highest transmission rate, and the lowest transmission rate.
Law, and Public Health Emergency Orders
The left column in both the illustration above and the one below, represents persons who are infected i.e., carriers of the COVID-19 disease, while the right column represents healthy, non-infected, individuals.
And, by implication, the left column also represents those who know they have been, or suspect that they have been in contact with an individual who has tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus.
These illustrations carry with them enormous implications as to how we go about enforcing public face mask requirements, during declared public health emergencies.
In this regard, particular attention should be given to the second row from the top, which depicts a coronavirus infected person, without a mask, coming into contact with a healthy person wearing a mask.
Kindly note that this constitutes a 'high transmission rate' interface.
For example, the airways were filled recently with the story of a group of individuals, who in defiance of local requirements to wear a face mask while shopping in a store, decided to conduct a protest, by entering and running through the isles of the store not wearing masks.
On the face of it, this protest constitutes no more than a misdemeanor public order violation. However, in fact and in law, these individuals, with forethought, conspired, that is, planned and organized to commit a misdemeanor.
Conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor, is in fact a felony. The police would have come to this conclusion after even a cursory taking of statements from the boasting perpetrators. Having reasonable cause to believe a felony had been committed, the protestors would each be provided with a mask and taken into custody.
Naturally, once in custody, given that being charged, going before a judge and posting bail would take some time, each of the probable felons would be tested for the coronavirus. And, if any of them tested positive for the coronavirus, they would be in line for, at least, two additional charges, endangerment and biological assault.
In relation, to a recent Trump rally in a state where a maximum sized gathering of ten persons was in effect. The organizers of that rally with forethought, planned and organized an event in direct violation of the standing public safety order to help contain the spread of the coronavirus in that state. Again, conspiracy to violate a misdemeanor, is a felonious undertaking.
And, it is worth considering that every local, county and state police officer, who witnessed the violations and took no action, stands in violation of their sworn duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, which in this specific circumstance constitutes non-feasance on the part of each individual police officer, that is, by definition, the failure to act where action is required—willfully or in neglect of their sworn duty.
And described in Proksch v. Bottendorf 218 Iowa 1376 (1934) as the failure to perform a duty, the omission of an act, which a person is legally obligated to do.
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
'A picture is worth a thousand words' is an English-language adage, that is, an idiomatic and proverbial expression meaning that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still image, which conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a verbal description.
The author Maggie Cramer wrote that the conventional wisdom phrase 'a picture is worth a thousand words' means that an image, or graphic illustration may better convey or describe something than many written or spoken words—that it may be easier, and much faster, to just show someone something than to tell them about it.
There has been much written about the illustration below, since its first appearance on websites in Europe in the winter and later in North America in the Spring of 2020. Its origin, naturally, predates its coming to the attention of the Reuters Fact Check team, whose article on the illustration entitled, rather obliquely for a fact check article - Partly false claim: Wear a face mask; COVID-19 risk reduced by up to 98.5% - dated, 23 April 2020, and filed from Reuters UK bureau.
Reuters, the same news organization that brought us every excruciating detail of Lindsey Graham's crusading investigation of the investigators, but woefully under-reported the presidential intelligence briefing that identified and named Lindsey Graham specifically as a conduit of Russian Intelligence disinformation directly into the US Senate. Just one of the reasons Reuter's enjoys the reputation it has.
Television is preeminently a visual medium, and yet, and in spite of a raging controversy concerning the efficacy, or otherwise of the face mask as a major tool deployed to slow, that is, curtail the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, few illustrations that can convey the efficacy of wearing face masks, like the ones presented here have been forthcoming from any of the many pundits that populate our broadcast airways, here or abroad. Well, that is about to change. Let's see how long before this rather meager attempt is broadcast, and discussed.
Upon publication, this article, is being sent to all the major cable news outlets, the premiers and territorial leaders across Canada and the governors and the mayors of the major cities of both Canada and the United States, and beyond.
For a more detailed understanding of the significance of mask wearing and a need for mask standards, click on the URL below:
'It’s so easily transmissible, you wouldn’t even believe it.' Donald Trump, 13 April 2020
On the 28th of January 2020, national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, warned President Trump that Covid-19 would be the 'biggest national security threat' to his already crisis-ridden presidency.
Three days later, Trump announced restrictions on travel from China, although the coronavirus, by that date, was already well established in the United States.
Later, on 7 February, in a phone call with Bob Woodward, Trump stated, in uncharacteristically clear terms, what he had come to understand about just how lethal the coronavirus could be:
“It goes through the air," Trump stated. "That’s always tougher than the touch. You don’t have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one."
"That’s a very delicate one," Trump continued. "It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus.” As damning as the Woodward tapes of his conversations with Donald Trump are, the 28th of January is by no means the first briefing Trump had received from his intelligence agencies concerning the emerging coronavirus pandemic.
It must be remembered that the so-called, gang of eight, top members of the intelligence committees of both houses of congress, had been given an intelligence briefing on the spread of the coronavirus, during the first week of January 2020.
It is customary for the president to be briefed, before the select members of congress are. We know that, at least, two members of the gang of eight, one Democrat the other a Republican, found what they were told so alarming that immediately after the intelligence briefing, sold most, if not all of their shareholdings on the stock exchange.
Therefore, it can be reasonably deduced, pending exact date verification, that Trump was briefed on the coronavirus, before the members of congress were, while the virus was raging in Central China, which would place Trump's initial briefing no later than the end of December 2019.