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... broadcast media's replacement of journalists, with opinion hawkers
Kaitlin Collins, the moderator of Trump's New Hampshire Town Hall, under whose watchful eye, Trump defamed E Jean Carroll for a second time, worked for Tucker Carlson, before joining CNN, which is why Trump found her acceptable.
MSNBC has the make believe data reporter Stephan Kornacki, and not to be outdone CNN conjures their version of comical data presentation, Harry Enten.
The sad tale of broadcast media's replacement of journalists with opinion hawkers, does not end there. MSNBC has Michael Steele of RNC-credit-card booze up with the boys fame, and not to be without an equivalent figure, CNN brought on the ratings-tanking Charles Barkley.
We rely on journalists to provide accurate information by adhering to a systematic approach to gather, and verify information, by employing rather strict methods such as fact-checking, source verification, and cross-referencing the any and all of the data they gather.
By doing so, journalists instil a sense of trust in the information they present, and trust is essential for a well-functioning democracy.
While contributors like Steele and Barkley offer unusual and entertaining perspectives, journalists, on the other hand, play a critical role in upholding the integrity of the news.
Striking a proper and verifiable balance between diverse voices, and journalistic discipline is essential to safety and security of a well-informed society.
That is the point, if one wishes to know who Michael Steele is, in media terms, Steele is the mirror image of Charles Barkley.
And yes, Michael Steele has done for Joy Reid's media persona, what Charles Barkley has done to Gayle King's former sterling stature.
Cesar Conde, the NBC chair, who made the Ronna McDaniel hiring happen, is a very disturbed individual. Little attention has been paid to the Murdoch's knowingly profiting by fanning racist hatred, so that mostly ageing German, Italian and, Japanese populations, can still believe that they were right to engage in wholesale genocide, and not have to face the fact of their continued depravity. Trump's father is an example of this fact, it was the nazis in Germany and the klan in the US. While the Japanese accepted the status of 'honorary whites' from the largely German population who ruled southern Africa with such brutality. _ _ _
* CRTC considers banning Fox News from Canadian cable packages
Naturally, Rex Murphy, and this is a recurring story, who told us how perfectly innocent convoy mob organizer Lich is, and that Trudeau had met his match in the illiberal Poilievre, and who now places his name in title-sized letters before his diatribe pieces, and being a white nationalist apologist himself, who has never been the object of the racist, anti-Semitic, and white supremacist hate speech, ignores the fact that those who are the object of Fox hate speech, have a right, in Canada, to live free from the constant bombardment of racial intimidation.
On behalf of those who are the object of Fox hate speech, the CRTC has the responsibility to administer, regulate, and even to ban, if necessary, those who violate any Canadian's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, or their constitutional rights.
* CRTC, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, is an administrative tribunal that regulates and supervises broadcasting and telecommunications in the public interest.
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Carlson, tuckered out
... wrote that he wanted three Trump supporters beating a singular protester, to kill him
Paul Ryan knew his responsibilities as a member of a board of directors of a corporation in New York State, and within the United States. Nonetheless, Paul Ryan did what Fox asked him to do, that is, to provide political cover for far-right, racist, anti-Semitic political campaigning, and he did his job with enthusiasm. E LaMont Gregory MSc Oxon
Carlson, depraved ... his last show was on Friday, 21 April 2023
The recent publication of a rather disturbing text sent by Carlson to other executives in the Fox orbit, has caused something of an uproar.
However, the public can rest assured, there are many more revelations to come.
The Carlson penned text that we have in hand is worthy of scrutiny, especially as to what it tells us about the mental state of its author, Tucker Carlson.
In psychological terms, Carlson presents behaviors associated with a form of - compassion deficit disorder.
More specifically, a condition termed - Schadenfreude (shade n froid), which is a combination of the German words for - harm and joy.
The condition is defined as - enjoyment obtained from the pain of others.
The enjoyment Carlson describes that he derived from watching the video of at least three Trump supporters beating up a singular protester, is but part of a rather disturbing pattern of behaviors by Carlson.
Those inflicted with various forms of compassion deficit disorder, have constructed a view that those not like them, should suffer harm, and derive a sort of glee, joy, if not a sense of euphoria, when those they see as not like them, are harmed, actually.
Compassion deficit disorder sufferers, who exhibit, that is, act out behaviors associated with Schadenfreude, derive a real sense of joy, in some cases a sense of euphoria, when they can, like the video Carlson was fascinated with, watch the harm being inflicted, over and over again. "I wanted them to kill the kid," Carlson stated.
The observation that Carlson was often found to exhibit fits of rage, and often rant about those who he wished to see suffer, is all part and parcel of a set of actions that prepare the subject to satisfy his urge for the joy he derives from seeing others suffer, is characteristic of the underlying psychological impairment, with which Carlson presents signs of.
One Carlson apologist, on CNN, stated that, at least, Carlson expressed some sort of remorse from having derived pleasure, in fact, stating that he wanted the Trump mob to kill the victim.
This interpretation of what the text shows is absurdly, false.
The remorse that the apologist interprets from Carlson's text, is caused by a shift in brain chemistry, towards a more calming state, after Carlson had exhausted the chemistry that sustained his euphoric - harm and joy - feelings after multiple viewings of the video, from which he derived so much pleasure. What is observed here are the classic signs of pleasure exhaustion, as it were.
In a Schadenfreude post-euphoric state, Carlson's writing that he should not have enjoyed it, as much as he did, is akin to the state that overcomes a person who stabs another repeatedly, until they are both physically and emotionally exhausted to the point that they cannot continue to stab the victim anymore.
That state, the post-euphoric multiple stabbing of another to the point of physical and emotional exhaustion, cannot, in reality, be described as remorse, far from it.
Carlson has surrounded himself with self-styled racial nationalists and various iterations of supremacists, for a very long time, and Fox News and Fox Corporation got from Carlson exactly what they wanted.
Take the firing, for cause, of a prominent writer from 2017 to 2020 for Fox News host Carlson, Neff. When it was brought to Fox's attention that Neff, had been using a pseudonym to post highly-offensive remarks on an online forum that was used primarily by a white nationalist community for posting racist, sexist, and other frankly fascist content, and for years.
Several investigative reporters have documented a frequent overlap between material Neff posted on illiberal hate-speech forum websites, and material he wrote for the lip's of Carlson to spew forth on his hate-speech show.
Now, consider the F0x constellation, as a collection of on-screen and behind-the-screen personalities, each having various degrees of compassion deficit disorders, who have found a safe haven within a for profit assemblage of far-right leaning racists and supremacists, and you have the Fox News network, and Fox Corporation.
And let us not forget Paul Ryan, whose career as a practicing fiscal conservative ended, when he as speaker of the house, spearheaded the passage of the largest tax cut for the rich in US history, and then, surprise surprise, becomes a tenured board member of ultra-right Fox Corporation.
Paul Ryan knew his responsibilities as a member of a board of directors of a corporation in New York State, and within the United States, nonetheless, Ryan did what Fox asked him to do, that is, provide cover for far-right, racist, anti-Semitic political campaigning, and he did his job with enthusiasm.
Ship of fools, proves autobiographical
... Carlson, is but one of Murdoch's producers, anchors, editors, and so-called journalists, both in the US and the UK, who broke all norms of media integrity
The recently deposed, Carlson, in the introduction to his book, the Ship of Fools, which this author suggests, autobiographically, wrote that -
... the new American elites, whose power and wealth has grown beyond imagination, even as the rest of the country has withered.
The people who run America now barely interact with it. They fly on their own planes, ski on their own mountains, watch sporting events far from the stands in sky boxes.
They have total contempt for you. They view America the way a private equity firm sizes up an aging conglomerate, as something outdated they can profit from. When it fails, they're gone.
And yet, Carlson put forth a rather sophomoric understanding of what he called, our new overlords.
Traditional liberals are gone. The patchouli-scented hand-wringers who worried about whales and defended free speech have been replaced by globalists who hide their hard-edged economic agenda behind the smokescreen of identity politics. They'll outsource your job, while lecturing you about transgender bathrooms.
Left and right, are no longer meaningful categories in America, Carson wrote.
The rift is between those who benefit from the status quo, and those who don't.
Our leaders are fools, unaware that they are captains of a sinking ship. -
And, Carlson became that which he loathed, ostensibly.
Fox News, with forethought,* constructed the most outwardly racist programming in the recent history of broadcast media
... Carlson was hired by Murdoch, Fox News, to espouse racist views, anti-Semitic hate speech, and the great replacement conspiracy theory, in exchange for money, and a sort of ignoble fame
* consideration of what will be necessary to achieve the maximum financial success possible
If, one wonders whether Fox news is inflicted with a disease, or merely exhibiting the outward symptoms of a disease, while that is an interesting question, and the answer to it could entertain cable news viewers for multiple episodes, the problem, the disease process within Fox News is entirely explicable, and rather straightforward.
And, the answer is not complicated or complex.
Fox News presents outwardly the chronic and persistent symptoms of a progressive and at times aggressive disease process.
The disease has two major components, power and money.
And, it is the pursuit of the former to achieve the latter that has played out on most cable news outlets for decades.
If, one considers all of the current and past heads of the three major cable stations, what they share in common is that each of them represents one of the characters from Carlson's autobiographical saga, Ship of Fools.
There is no liberal cable news media outlet in the United States of America. Wallace and O'Donnell are as far to the right as King is, and Carlson was, and Ingraham and Hannity remain, at least, in the short term.
Being a conservative, is one of the qualifications of a cable news presenter's job.
Joyce Reid is occasionally substituted by the former RNC head, Steele, go figure.
But MSNBC, is not going to give Steele access to the company credit card, hopefully.
Secrets leaker, Teixeira, bought into Carlson's racial animus, hate speech and lies,
... hook, line and sinker
Although Carlson, breaking his silence after his abrupt departure from Fox News, decries that his hasty departure was due to him telling uncomfortable truths about some Americans, be that as it may, Carlson exerted significant influence upon the world view of the secrets leaker, and hate speech purveyor, Teixeira.
In a search of classified secrets leaker, Teixeira's not infrequent although secondary residences i.e., homes belonging to his mother and father, investigators uncovered a virtual arsenal of weapons, including, several bolt-action and other rifles, AR and AK-style weapons, and a bazooka, investigators report.
Investigators also discovered a horde Teixeira's online posts, which include extremely vile racist and anti-Semitic hate speech rants, which mirror and are in sync contemporaneously with those espoused by Carlson on Fox News, and repeatedly.
Teixeira's posts and other written material found by investigators, led to the inescapable conclusion that Teixeira was fixated with mass killings, and getting at those Carlson had deemed the replacers, who sought to destroy him, according to those familiar with the posts and other written materials, including:
In November 2022, he said he would 'kill a (expletive) ton of people', because it would be a '... culling [of] the weak minded.' (a favorite, Carlson refrain, straight-out of the fascist playbook.) In February 2023, he told a social-media user with whom he communicated that he was tempted to convert a specific type of minivan into an - assassination van.
In February 2023, he sought advice from his social-media nexus as to the type of rifle that would operate easily from the back of an SUV. He described how he would shoot in a - crowded urban or suburban environment.
In one of the most recent a court filings concerning whether Teixeira should be released before trial, FBI Special Agent, Luke Church, reported that Teixeira used his government computer in July 2022 to search the following terms:
- Ruby Ridge,
- Las Vegas shooting,
- Mandalay Bay shooting,
- Buffalo tops shooting, and
- Uvalde.
These computer searches were unrelated to his job, according to Special Agent, Church, who stated that Teixeira remains a danger to society and should not be released from detention.
Tucker Carlson, has so much to be proud of, and the list will only grow longer, as other journalists, and investigators, get over their fear of the all powerful Fox News, and its illiberal presenters, executives, and owners.
And, it must also be acknowledged that the Buffalo shooter stated that he was radicalized, in part, from watching Carlson, rant and rage about those others, who are not like him.
Your cable subscription fee, is the major funding source for Fox News, go figure
... make the call
-- One should contrast the means by which the public can exert influence over Musk, the Tucker Carlson of social media, as opposed to the ability of the public to exert influence over cable news outlets like Fox, who spew all manner of animus and illiberal hate speech.
In the case of social media boycotting the advertisers is a very good way to get at the owners and share holders of the social media/propaganda industry, to take stock of their divisive actions.
However, in the case of cable news outlets, their major source of funding is from their share of your cable service subscription fee. Yes, those who bore the brunt of Carlson's racist rants, anti-Semitic hate speech, and his dislike of those who believe in the rule of law, democracy and representative directly elected government, provide the financial resources to pay the salaries of the presenters, and to keep the propaganda station on the air, all courtesy of your cable fees.
However, increased difficulty in dealing with cable companies, does not mean that you cannot call them, or better yet write them, and tell your cable company that you no longer want part of your subscription fee to be shared with a company that subjects you to an endless litany of racist, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, undemocratic, and frankly fascist diatribe.
The message to your cable company should state in clear terms that you want Fox News removed from your list of programs, and from the share of your subscription fee that goes to Fox News.
When some of the operators who answer your call tell you that you would have to remove the package that includes Fox News record or keep a copy of their response. They will change their stance, and eventually acquiesce to your request. Even if it requires a class action lawsuit and changes to the legislation and administrative rules under which the cable companies are permitted to operate.
It simply cannot be the case that those who are the object of hate speech, should have to financially support the for-profit companies that dish it out. And, will no longer be the case, in fact and in law.
If, the we cannot do that sounds analogous to, taxation without representation, it is.
CNN CEO, Chris Licht, trades Lemon for Trump
... Trump dictated the terms of his return to CNN
Just how far does Trump's influence extend into CNN?
Consider that his chosen moderator for Wednesday's NH Town Hall, Kaitlin Collins, worked at The Daily Caller, a far right-wing website launched by Tucker Carlson, before turning occasional guest appearances on CNN into a full-time job in 2017.
Kaitlin Collins, with whom Trump has been familiar since she went to work for Carlson at the Daily Caller, his esteem for Collin enhanced, when he witnessed the brazen way Collins confronted Biden in Geneva, a classic Carlson/Trump confrontational technique.
There are no coincidences, in Trump world
Chris Licht, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CNN Worldwide, in desire to gain a share of the Fox viewer exodus spawned by the firing of Tucker Carlson, wanted Trump back on CNN.
Licht based his move to get Trump back on the obvious realization that it was Carlson's acquiescence to all things Trump and maga that was the actual draw that Carlson enjoyed. And that with a shift further to the right, CNN could capture a percentage of the Fox crowd. And therefore, the Trojan-horse, Kaitlin Collins.
Trump, ever the horse trader, even when he has no horse to trade, wanted something in return i.e., first, Trump wanted CNN to broadcast his New Hampshire Town Hall, with Collins as moderator with all the bells and whistles, including pre-program hype, and second, he wanted Lemon removed from CNN.