... to harass, intimidate, and discredit anyone who investigates, or charges Trump
In an opening statement, Pomerantz stated that in his considered opinion, the inquiry was 'political theater' and he condemned the committee's use of a subpoena to compel his testimony.
Pomerantz, who spent approximately six hours before the committee, never wavered from his understanding of judicial rules that it would be improper for him to provide information about an ongoing investigation, and he did not do so.
“This is neither the time nor place for me to answer questions about the investigation or the pending indictment over the objection of the prosecutors,” Pomerantz stated.
At one rather dramatic juncture, Pomerantz was asked, if he was not going to provide answers to the committee's questions, why he had honoured the subpoena, to which Pomerantz responded that he believed in the rule of law.
A poignant reference to the fact that Jim Jordan, who now chairs the committee, did not honour a lawful subpoena from the 6 January Committee.
“This deposition is for show. We are gathered here because Donald Trump’s supporters would like to use these proceedings to attempt to obstruct and undermine the criminal case pending against him, and to harass, intimidate, and discredit anyone who investigates or charges him.”
“Although I have written and spoken publicly about the Trump investigation," Pomerantz said in his statement to the Judiciary Committee, "I did so before any criminal charges were brought against Mr. Trump. Now that a grand jury has indicted him, the circumstances have changed.”
The not-very-competent Judiciary Committee Chair, described as acting like a Pitbull in the presence of Trump by military officials, Jim Jordan of Ohio, obviously smarting from the Pomerantz statement about honouring the subpoena, because it is the law, offered no details on Pomerantz’s testimony, citing panel rules.
After the debacle of the New York City hearing on crime Jordan organized, and with this latest example, the inference to be drawn is clearly one that suggests that Jordan is not equal to the task.
Manhattan DA Sues creepy Jim Jordan 12,500+ signatures collected, so far, calling for Cameron Sexton, Tennessee House Speaker, to resign
... Jordan interfered in an ongoing state criminal prosecution, and Sexton for blatant racism
... Sexton maintained a toxic work environment in the legislative chamber
Manhattan DA asserts that Jordan and other congressional Republicans are engaged in an 'unprecedently brazen and unconstitutional attack' on the prosecution of Donald Trump.
Photo on the right, shows Tennessee House Speaker, Cameron Sexton, with glasses, and William Lambeth, plotting their racist attack on two Americans of African origin members of the Tennessee legislature. Sexton will now, and forever, be the face of racism in Tennessee.
Sexton and his supporters in the Tennessee House, anticipated that the ouster of the two members of African origin would firmly establish Sexton's race credentials, and render him a frontrunner in a bid to become the next governor of Tennessee.
What Sexton and Lambeth have accomplished is to draw attention to the accusation by the two ousted members that Sexton maintained a toxic work environment in the legislative chamber.
And that accusation, is one to which Sexton and Lambeth will be compelled to answer. _ _ _
Jim Jordan, from suborning perjury, in the Ohio State U sex scandal case, and a conspiratorial partner in the 6 January attempted insurrection, to Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, to defendant in a 10th amendment violation case, the continuing downward spiral of an illiberal.
... in fact and in law, suborning perjury is committed, if one attempts to induce a witness to give false testimony under oath in a court or other proceeding, and charges of conspiracy to suborn perjury may be prosecuted irrespective of whether or not actual perjury has been committed 18 U.S. Code § 1622 - Subornation of perjury
... the evidence against Jim Jordan, is absolutely damning, and increasing, both in relation to the DOJ probe into the attack on the Capitol building on 6 January, which Jordan had, according to the DOJ probe, advance knowledge of due to his participation in planning it, and now the blowhard is being accused of criminal behavior by interfering in a state prosecution
New York Times reports that the FBI has evidence that Jim Jordan engaged in communications with Proud Boys, who were in contact with the White House in days leading up to 6 January
CNN reports that parents in Jordan's congressional district are using Nazi texts to home-school their children, and then claim state government funds to do so. _ _ _
Edgar Allen Poe's brilliant, and yet unnerving, story of being trapped in an ever deepening crisis, the Pit and the Pendulum, provides an exacting description of the circumstances Jim Jordan, who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the attempted insurrection, like the fables of old foretell, has wounded up inside.
Although the descent of the pendulum has been glacially slow, it is now so close to Jordan's throat that with each and every swing, he can feel the slight breeze created by the advancing blade. And, it has been a long time coming.
Not only is Jordan about to be indicted for contempt, which carries a two-year sentence and a fine of $200,000. But the contempt of Congress indictment is but a prelude to the charges he faces concerning his role, while a seated Congressman, to obstruct an official proceeding, for which he faces 20 years in jail. And, additional jail time, because people lost their lives during the commission of his crime.
In final analysis, it is Jordan's willful violation of the 14th Amendment that will be his undoing, ultimately.
McCarthy and the blowhard Texas congressman will also be indicted. They played the Trump game i.e., delay, delay and delay, but without Barr and Rosenstein, to no avail. Barr has his own problems to contend with, notably the charges he had his hand-picked prosecutor bring against the Clinton lawyer, which like Barr's tenure in office, failed miserably. Disbar, Barr!
... in the years-long Ohio State University sexual abuse case, we observe the deviant predatory behavior of two remorseless sociopaths, in the fashion of Leopold & Loeb, namely, Jordan & Strauss.
Jordan claims falsely that he knew absolutely nothing, and no one ever told him about it, when in fact and in law, Jordan was shielding Strauss, with whom Jordan shares sociopathic predilections.
Jim Jordan, whom Defense department officials described as acting like a Pitbull in the presence of the disgraced former-chief-executive, Trump, will be charged with a felony -- obstruction of an official proceeding.
But Jordan, like Trump, believes thathis current position, as a member of the legislature, or his role as a candidate, or both, will shield them from the long arm of the law, and ultimate accountability for the death and destruction that resulted from their willful actions.
It does not, and will not, in reality, no matter how many of their respective supporters that make believe that it does shield them from prosecution, Trump knows that now, and Jordan has a day of reckoning coming, soon.
Obstruction of an official proceeding carries with it a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. **
Jordan is also still under ever-approaching scrutiny for his part in the sex-scandal at the Ohio State University, which includes his documented attempts to suborn students to perjure themselves to cover his involvement in the sordid affair.
To date, Jordan has been able to deflect scrutiny of the fact that he, like Strauss, is a remorseless sociopath.
What we witness in the Ohio State University years-long sexual abuse case is the interplay between two sociopaths in the fashion of Leopold and Loeb, in this case, Jordan & Strauss.
In addition, the federal courts have cleared the way for judicial review of complaints filed to the FEC concerning Jordan's misuse of nearly 2.5 million dollars of campaign funds. And, how such funds may have been used to pay the travel and accommodation expenses of 'the unholy mob' of January 6th rioters.
The federal court ruled that the two Republican members of the federal elections watchdog agency had rendered that agency non-functional for well over a decade.
And, as a result, unscrupulous politicians, like Jordan and Hawley, flaunted the campaign financing rules, knowing the two Republican members of the FEC would block any investigations by that agency into their fellow party members.
The federal court ruling allows complaints of misuse of campaign funds to be filed directly to the courts.
And, yes, this is the same blowhard, who giddily praised himself for his efforts in exhorting Trump voters not to get vaccinated by July 4th 2021, to deny President Biden the stated goal of having 70% of the US population vaccinated and protected from the virus by that date.
While the pandemic continues to ravish Jordan's mask-shunning and largely unvaccinated Ohio congressional district.
Section 1505 of Title 18, United States Code, as amended by the Victim and Witness Protection Act of 1982, forbids anyone from corruptly, or by threats of force or by any threatening communication, influencing, obstructing, or impeding any pending proceeding before a department or agency of the United States, or Congress. In 1996 Congress enacted a clarifying amendment to 18 U.S.C. § 1515, which defines the term "corruptly" as used in section 1505 to mean "acting with an improper purpose, personally or by influencing another, including making a false or misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a document or other information." False Statements Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-292, §3, 110 Stat. 3459, 3460.
Section 1505 also specifically prohibits anyone from withholding, misrepresenting, removing from any place, concealing, covering up, destroying, mutilating, altering, or by other means falsifying any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony that is the subject of a proper investigative demand under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1311-14, with the intent of avoiding, evading, preventing, or obstructing compliance, in whole or in part, with that demand.
** NB - It must also be considered that the obstruction of an official proceeding, for which Jordan will be charged, includes a provision which states that should the obstruction result in the death of one or multiple individuals, the obstruction charge is then punishable by 30 years in prison. _ _ _
Jim Jordan begged students to perjure themselves
CNN reports that in sworn testimony a witness reports that Jim Jordan cried, groveled and begged students not to tell of sexual abuse at the Ohio State University.
Although Jordan has claimed repeatedly that he saw nothing, heard nothing and knew nothing, evidence shows that over his tenure as an assistant wresting coach, literally hundreds of complaints of sexual abuse and misconduct came across Jim Jordan's desk.
Jim Jordan asked students to perjure themselves and claim that they never made reports and complaints to him directly, concerning a long-standing pattern of sexual abuse, and it seems that until recently many of the students agreed to perjure themselves.
That façade began to crumble as copies of the reports and complaints began to emerge, as this author predicted they would, inevitably, which brings the thoroughness or otherwise of the investigations undertaken by Ohio State University administrators, local and state police into focus.
It would appear that university, local as well as state police investigators were more interested in preserving the good name of the Ohio State University than in justice for the victims of years of sexual abuse.
Jordan will now have to resign, as both Trump and McConnell have eased their previously unmovable belief and support concerning Jordan's innocence.
It is clearly incompatible with the oath of office of a sitting member of the US Congress to commit and to suborn perjury.
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"Yeah, that's Strauss" Jim Jordan _ _ _
Jim Jordan's response - "Yeah, that's Strauss" - is recorded in under oath testimony by witness John Doe 42, who told Jordan directly about the sexual predator, team doctor Strauss, at the Ohio State University.
Jordan claims that he knew absolutely nothing about it, and no one ever told him about it, when in fact and in law, Jordan was shielding Strauss, with whom Jordan shares sexual-sociopathic predilections.
Jordan's over-the-top projection of a macho persona is a façade, a ruse as it were, to conceal preferences, contrary to his public tough-guy image, and is one of the more readily observable aspects of Jordan's sociopathic personality. When the Strauss/Jordan allegations first arose, Jordan claimed they were a mere politically motivated attempt to stop his bid for leadership in the House of Representatives.
Now, Jordan claims that the obstruction charge is politically motivated to stay his circus-act filled defense of the liar-in-chief in 6th January insurrection hearings.
... what goes around, comes around _ _ _
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Speaking of the minority party's defense of Trump in the House, and since 100's of thousands are reading this article, there may be no better place to say it, but it would be pure folly to allow Bolton to testify before Congress without first having been deposed, as all the other witnesses have been. And, giving Bolton the opportunity to correct his testimony before it is published, as all the other witnesses have.
Bolton is desperate to get back into the good graces of Trump, and will play the Oliver North defense, ' ... All my conversations with the president were highly (deeply) personal' and attempt to sabotage the hearings. And, then claim that he and he alone saved Trump.
And, in spite of the valiant efforts of Cuomo (CNN) to rehabilitate Bannon, in interviews that suggest he still has relevance, which he does not. Bannon lost everything politically when he crossed Trump, and wants back into the fray. In fact, Bannon announced that since Trump was not mounting a realistic defense, as if Trump had one, he would undertake the task independently.
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But alas, Donald Trump, the soon to be indicted-former-president of the United States, is a serial court judgement dodger, and will inevitably turn on Jordan, and state that with such a weak defense in the House (Jordan), he did not have a rigorous defense and therefore, a fair hearing.
In fact, Jordan lacks the integrity, character and statesmanship, to defend anyone, including himself.
And, this is exactly why Trump wants this failed personality to lead the charge, at Waterloo.
Jim Jordan, like so many before him, who have clung to Trump for reasons, which history will surely judge as inexplicably immoral, ought to consider the wisdom of a former president:
' ... those who foolishly sought power, by riding the back of the tiger, wounded up inside'
. . . . . .
Sordid details are appalling, 13 July 2018 AP
Jordan's accusers have parents, friends and relatives, who were told about the sexual assaults and their conversations with assistant coach Jordan at the time as well as other contemporaneous written records, such as, text messages recorded and enshrined on their ubiquitous cell phones, the messages that never go away.
- Jordan used congressional staffers to run background checks on his accusers, which is illegal -
Jordan claims that the allegations against him are motivated politically and are being made because his detractors want to stand in the way of him gaining a leadership position within Congress, he has stated incredulously that he is under consideration for Speaker of the House of Representatives when a beleaguered Paul Ryan surrenders the gavel after the autumn elections.
And as the under oath testimony of a former referee, John Doe 42, takes hold, the allegations against Jordan, and his lies about what he knew and when he knew it, the allegations against him take on a sinister tint.
Jordan's re-election, or if he will be legally entitled to run, is by no means assured, and the calls for his resignation will only grow stronger. A special election in his district looms. These calls will reach a crescendo as he embarrasses himself with his 'brown shirt' tactics in the upcoming hearings, tactics he employed in the first impeachment hearing, by calling for the outing of the whistleblower.
Jordan might want to consider that the whistleblower is just the messenger, who 12 others who heard the call relied upon to bring the matter to the proper authorities within government, not the perpetrator of the deed brought to the attention of those authorities within government.
In a word, Jordan wants us to believe that this entire affair, in substance and timing, came about because there is a conspiracy directed towards him and Donald Trump. It follows therefore that Jim Jordan claims that he is also a victim of the sexual assault allegations, and a victim of the whistleblowers complaint.
This sets the stage so that when Jordan is forced to resign inevitably, it will not be because he turned a blind eye to sexual assault when he was a coach, or abuse of executive power, but like Pruitt, he was forced to resign because of the relentless pressure put upon him and his family by an all too anti-Trump and anti-white-nationalist agenda 'fake' press.
Perhaps, Jordan ought to consider that demeaning the seriousness of the allegations, in both cases, in any way also demeans the victims and his constitutional obligations. And that that defense is a baseless offensive posture to assume and maintain over the course of what will be a long and detailed investigation into the facts.
It is noted however that this is the same Jim Jordan who asserted on several cable news programs that Trump had never lied to him, personally. Trump has lied to the American people repeatedly, Jim Jordan is a representative of some of the people that Trump has lied to, and yet Trump, Jordan claims, has never lied to him, posing an inexplicable disconnect between reality and the truth. Notwithstanding that a member of the Christian-right could so easily ignore Matthew 25:40 (whatsoever you do ...), the willingness to construct and advance such a false argument is proof positive that critical thinking, the modern nomenclature for the study of logic, is a vital part of a classical education that must remain an essential element of curricula at every level.
Before the number of accusers had grown to more than 100, Trump had said that he believed Jordan’s protestations that at no time was he ever made aware or ever informed about the alleged sexual assaults by the team doctor. Trump, the one who has never lied to Jordan, also maintains he knew nothing about the nothing meeting in Trump Tower with the Russians in July 2016 and, the payment to the Playboy model was without his direct knowledge or input. As the number of accusers have grown, Trump and McConnell have pulled back from their blanket pronouncements of Jordan's innocence.
Inexplicably, for an innocent man, Jordan has been using his congressional staff to run background checks on his accusers. Using taxpayer money to attack taxpayers. And, Jordan has recently declared that one of his accusers is a criminal. A recent statement by another coach from Ohio State that Jordan asked to make a statement in his behalf, perhaps put it best, 'I am willing to speak on Jordan's behalf, but when he has to testify under oath in a court of law, he is on his own.'
Jordan will shortly be given the opportunity to claim under oath that he heard nothing, saw nothing, and knew nothing about the lurid behavior in Larkins Hall. Disinformation before the press is regrettable and demeans the body politic when perpetrated by an elected official, but if Jordan maintains the lie under oath, he commits perjury.
The case against Jordan may well come down to whom you believe, his accusers and their contemporaneous written records or the protestations of an avid Trump supporter.
Jordan does not state that he did not hear the locker room chatter, Jordan simply maintains that locker room talk about the alleged sexual assaults in his presence does not constitute a report to him concerning the alleged sexual assaults. Under cross examination, unless it is before a committee convened by Devin Nunes, Jordan will find that politics will not triumph over the truth and facts. Jordan will be called to testify under oath, and before that he must remember that lying to the FBI and other police agencies is a crime.
There are two glaringly obvious problems with Jordan's current assertions about the case against him.
First, there are a growing number witnesses (more than 100 at the time of this posting) several of whom state that they brought the sexual assault allegations to Jordan's attention on more than one occasion. And second, several of the witnesses that have come forward and obtained legal representation, have not only made sworn statements to authorities, but have also submitted to lie-detector tests at the request of their legal representation. Others will follow in due course.
Although lie-detector evidence is not admissible in a court of law, often legal representatives request or encourage their prospective clients to voluntarily avail themselves to the test. Especially, when the person they are accusing can get the President of the United States, who knows nothing of the case, to so publicly declare Jordan faultless, blameless and wholly without liability.
The lie-detector test gives legal representation several insights into their prospective clients. Not the least of which is the veracity of their claims, but also their ability to tell their story under stressful circumstances, such as when being examined by a judge, Grand Jury, or cross examined in a court of law.
And, of course, Jordan's accusers have parents, friends and relatives who were told about the sexual assaults and their conversations with assistant coach Jordan at the time as well as their contemporaneous written records, such as, text messages recorded and enshrined on their ubiquitous cell phones.
Jordan must realize surely that the alleged sexual impropriety occurred over a period of some twenty years and there are potentially hundreds of victims, even during the eight-year period that Jordan was an assistant coach. Jordan’s assertion that although there is multiple witness evidence that he heard the allegations of sexual assault spoken about in the intimate atmosphere of the university athletic locker room, Jordan maintains that locker room talk does not constitute a report de jure of the allegations to him as an assistant coach, is nevertheless an admission that Jordan was made aware of the allegations.
However, with the under oath testimony of John Doe 42 to federal officers of the court, that lie has been exposed by an individual, whom Jordan cannot bully or undermind his credibility.
The idea as advanced by Jordan that in the locker room he was not a paid employee of The Ohio State University with all the rules and regulations that govern his relations with and responsibilities to students and athletes of that university, but was just one of the lads, illustrates a frighteningly ignorant understanding of American Jurisprudence and administrative regulations on the part of a soon-to-be former member of the United States federal legislature. The evidence is that Jordan was made aware of the allegations of sexual misconduct on multiple occasions and he did nothing about it.