The constitutional role of government is to promote the general good.
The proper role of government must be based upon a desire to maintain an equitable relationship between governmental responsibilities, the need to safeguard the public, and the onus to do what is best for this nation when faced with outwardly irreconcilable demands on limited resources.
Therefore it is just as likely that government can be too invasive, as it is that government can be too timid.
The decision, in our Republic, is for the people to decide the proper role of government.
We, the people, exercise our decision making powers through the process of elections.
We choose to be represented by our neighbors, to carry out our wishes.
In 2010 the voters of this country, enthused by the Tea Party, sent a new group of legislators to Washington with a clear messsage.
The electors of this state, sent a new group of legislators, and a new executive to Columbus, with a clear message.
And that message is we want America back.
We want back that America that understands, as the graceful Conservative, William McKinley understood,
that it is the interests of working man with which we must be concerned.
We want back that America that understands that when the American people work, the American people save, and when the American people save the American people invest, and when the American people work, save and invest - America prospers.