how to keep your chin up; in this crazy messed up world Eric LaMont Gregory
Butch Peelle
At the Murphy Theatre - Saturday - 10 November 2012
Special Guests
Butch Peelle Kurtis Summerville Brittnay Lykins Megan Botts
7 pm $5
All admission proceeds will be donated to the Murphy Theatre
Aristotle, an ancient Greek thinker, suggested that there are three ways to persuade someone to do something. One can appeal to the ability to reason, to the emotions, or to the innate sense of what is right or wrong, good or bad, that is, ethics.
The ancient Greeks also believed that there was within each us an inner source of strength, and when that inner strength is located, well its sort of like discovering a deposit of oil in earth. You do all the hard work of finding the location of the oil, you then work to drill into the earth where the oil is, and then you pump it up to the surface where you can then exploit the energy that is contained in the oil to do useful things.
Butch Peelle will tell you that the journey of discovery to find our inner strength, begins with a rather simple step. And, that is, write down what it is that we want to find, achieve, or do. Once we have this map as it were, the journey of discovery becomes concrete, real, and most importantly, do-able.
Obstacles, those things whether real or imagined that tend to stand in the way of our getting to where we want to be, often result from a misunderstanding of the difference between the size and the magnitude of the problem or challenge that we believe we must overcome. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Size and magnitide are not the same. The size of that one small measurable step upon the moon in 1969, introduced the magnitude of the giant leap forward that that small step represented for mankind.
What is legal, is not always what is right. Law infinitely measurable, is not justice infinitely important. The size of the number of those without work though large, does not begin to convey the magnitude of the suffering that is the Great Recession.
The measure of the American Republic is inscribed in a Constitution, whereas the magnitude of the American experience was born in a Declaration of Independence.
Butch Peelle and Kurtis Summerville will take all those who come to the Murphy Theatre in Wilmington, on the 10th of November 2012, at 7 pm, on a journey of discovery of inner self and the strength that lies within each of us.
Then, the size of the obstacles we face can be brought into perspective, and with our inner strength we can 'take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them.'