One - 1, is the second installment in a series that began with Butch Peelle's inspiring first book "Dream Big, Never Give Up."
Butch's second book, ~ 1 ~ is for all practical purposes, a step-by-step guide to making one's life the greatest life possible.
After reading this book the bounce (not swagger) will return in your every step and a life-nourishing sense of love will fill your heart, from the moment you wake in the morning until you lay me down to sleep after yet another perfect journey through the daylight hours.
1 shows the path that will lead you away from pain, anguish, guilt and rejection into a no-worries, peaceful, God driven daily plan that will make all with whom you interact feel good about themselves.
What is he meaning of a life?
Life is given meaning by those moments which glimmer long after the deed is done. It is the fellowship that comes from lending a hand when so many would just walk on by, and it is the afterglow that resides so deep within us that we a joy to behold. It is the way we carry ourselves, knowing that with the grace of Providence we have yet another day to bring cheer to the weary and solace to all who walk in the path of humility.