Portman and Romney will be in Chillicothe August 14th 6 - 8 pm at the Ross County Courthouse, 2 Paint Street
Diane Carnes is an impressive person. Many know her as the Chair of the Ross County Republican Party as well as a realtor and one of the leading business owners in the area. Others know her as that feisty woman who spearheaded the election of the first Republican Mayor of Chillicothe in many many years, and who brought the governor into Ross County as the keynote speaker at the Ross County Republican Party's Lincoln Day Dinner. Although these achievements are stellar, most know her as an ordinary, although exceptional, citizen dedicated to family and faith, community, state and nation. And, it is in this arena that she has so often blessed her community.
In this presidential year election, coming as it does after four years of not very good news on the economic front, although Ross County has faired better than many other counties in the southeast, Ross county is about to host the presumptive Republican nominee for the top job in Washington. And yes, Governor Kasich will accompany Romney to Chillicothe. The image of Kasich and Romney together may just provide the spark that will bring Republicans in this state back to being a cohesive force in this all important state in this all important presidential election. And, if so, again Diane Carnes will have been the catalyst.
Romney's visit to Ohio is part of a four-day, four state visit to Virginia, North Carolina, Florida and Ohio. Romney is campaigning on the theme - The Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class. Romney will speak to the core message of his campaign, that is, the economy, job creation, government regulations that stand in the way of a vibrant economy, and the role each citizen must play in the recovery.
A rally will be held at the Ross County Courthouse, 2 Paint Street, in Chillicothe, starting at 6 pm. Romney is due to speak at 7 pm.