Liberty Party Forum The Federal Reserve held by Dayton Tea Party Huber Heights Liberty Group Clayton-Englewood Liberty Group, Vandalia Liberty Group
Reenactment of Patrick Henry's, 'Give me liberty, or give me death' speech by
Dr Robert Wagner, Forum moderator Seth Morgan, and US Senate candidate Eric LaMont Gregory
Liberty Party Forum Moderator Seth Morgan sets the rules for the debate on the Federal Reserve between Dr Robert Wagner and US Senate candidate Eric LaMont Gregory
Dr Robert Wagner explains the role of the Federal Reserve as opposed to that of the Congress in managing the economy
US Senate candidate Eric LaMont Gregory, "I come not to bury the Federal Reserve; but to praise it".
US Senate candidate Eric LaMont Gregory explains how the Federal Reserve poured trillions of dollars into the economy between 2001 and 2006 fueling the housing and commercial property boom-burst-bailout cycle of 2008 (see Article '6 trillion' on this website for details)
Audience shows appreciation to Gregory speech at Forum on the Federal Reserve
US Senate candidate discusses Federal Reserve shortcomings with Liberty Party member
Guest Speaker Dr Robert Wagner (left) address audience as US Senate candidate Eric LaMont Gregory (center) and moderator Seth Morgan look on
US Senate candidate Gregory discusses economy with Liberty Group supporter