HB 347 and the NDAA two sides of the same coin Eric LaMont Gregory
Legislation that allows federal law enforcement agents - to bring charges against Americans engaged in political protests in which violators will potentially face criminal penalties that include imprisonment for up to 10 years - HR 347, is now the law of the land.
The fact that only three members of the House voted against this legislation, all Republicans and no Democrats, is alarming given the fact that they were all elected and took an oath to support, defend and bear full allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, which gaurantees the right to assemble and to speak freely. What have our limited government spoutting representatives become, but two sides of the same ever increasing government invasiveness coin.
Of particular concern given the scope of the new law is that the NYPD now, considers that those taking of photos and videotaping there activities in public areas can be charged with disorderly conduct.