The phrase ‘smoke and mirrors’ is a metaphor, which is the use of language in a way that promotes the understanding of an idea which was unavailable prior to the metaphor’s introduction.
Smoke and mirrors, in this instance is a metaphor for the often insubstantial explanations and descriptions used in discussions of our national debt and the means, ideas and tools, that can be applied to address it.
The metaphor does not diminish the existence or importance of the debt.
Only the sound management of our money supply can do that.
Remembering, therefore, that while we tackle the debt our approach is tempered by the understanding that the entire wealth of a nation cannot be all devoted to debt repayment - some must be reserved, at a minimum, for survival.
Hence, we are addressing the various ways our economy can operate to promote survival and pay the debt, simultaneously.
It is highly unlikely, if not unwise, to determine whether a monetary policy is or is not fiscally responsible without understanding money, its creation, use, how it is managed, and often who manages it as well as their skill and motivations.
The Eric LaMont Gregory for US Senate campaign is dedicated to increasing public understanding of money, as a means of preserving our republican liberties; for knowledge is the only true safeguard of liberty.