I am committed to the following as a United States Senator:job creation with livable wages, stop deficit spending, reform the tax code, regulatory reform, an energy policy that protects jobs and the environment, protect American liberties, balanced trade practices,restore advice and consent function of US Senate, re-establish congressional oversight of federal
agencies,audit all executive branch agencies, live by and up to the Constitution of the United States
PlatformEric LaMont GregoryUS Senate 2012economic security for all AmericansJobs, Jobs, JobsOur economic policies must recognize the importance of the working man,when the American people work, save and invest;America prospersOpen foreign markets to products made in the USA Fair trade must be based on our ability to enter the markets of others, not just our being open to goods from other nationsSupport limited government Thomas Jefferson stated that the law should restrain men from injuring one another but, leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuitsSupport strong public moralitywhen we cease to be one nation under God, we will become just another nation gone underSupport right of parents to educate their children about sexNo tax payer supported funding for abortionBorder SecuritySupport rigorous enforcement of current laws concerning immigrationtightening our border security is an important first stepRespect the Second Amendmentthe right to keep and bear arms~ Ohio Constitution ~ Eliminate failed social support programshand-up; not hand-outs, all payments must have a fitness for work componentSupport choice in educationSupport free enterpriseThis nation leads the world in terms of innovation; we must continue to do so;our economic strength assures our freedomTaxes, taxes, taxesSupport a fair tax for individuals and familiesany system of taxation that is not straightforward tends to be neither fair nor efficient Is Ohio missing out on a billion dollar industry?lets bring back the Ohio-bred and boarded horse industrythe key to family stable operations is removing unwarranted state regulationswhich exist simply because there are state fees attached to them Gregory for US Senate Campaign CommitteePO Box 340585 Beavercreek, Ohio 45434