'the big eight counties make the decisions, while the other 80 counties go talk among themselves' Chairman Montgomery County Republican Party
Eric LaMont Gregory
If we want to maximise every tax dollar, our campaigning State Treasurer ought to investigate the advantages of a State Bank in Ohio, where the profits go into the State Treasury, not the federal government. Where taxpayers’ money works within the State in which it is generated. Property taxes, state income taxes, sales taxes and all fees for services go to the State Bank.
At present our tax revenues from the State go into an account held by a private bank that makes money off of our taxes.
The State Bank of North Dakota keeps the money inside that State and the profits; the North Dakota Bank recently paid 30 percent of its income to the State Treasury which helps reduce state tax burdens.
Gregory has also raised a concern about what he states is a cancer growing in the big 8 counties of the Ohio Republican Party.
We are approaching one of the, if not, the most important elections in American history, Gregory states, an election in which every Republican will have to do their part so that we can take back this country, bring it back to economic viability, and put Americans back to work.
If the people of this state have made nothing else clear, it is that the days of the backroom deal are over.
And yet, in a meeting with a chairman of one of the big eight counties, Gregory was told that no matter how well he did among the other 80 counties, when the party meets the big eight counties go into a room and make the decisions, while the other 80 counties go talk among themselves. The big decisions are made by the big eight, the Chairman of Montgomery County Republican Party stated in a meeting in his law offices.
Gregory suggests that it is often the case that when a problem starts at the top, there is no one to tell, but that the cancer within the big eight counties of the Ohio Republican Party is amenable to treatment.
In any cancer treatment one always hopes that natural processes will gain the upper hand, in other cases the best option is to remove it.