Mike Smith: "Charlie Jones, what it is about candidate Gregory that you feel makes him worthy of consideration for the United States Senate?
Charlie Jones: "Well, he is willing to listen, and he is concerned about jobs. And jobs, that is the whole ball of wax for everybody; to be able to feed your family and know you will have a dollar in your pocket tomorrow."
Left to right; Mike Smith (interviewer), Eric LaMont Gregory, and Charles Jones.
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Please make a donation to the Eric LaMont Gregory for US Senate Campaign and let's bring back the Ohio bred and boarded horse business
... together we will make a difference
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US Senate Candidate Declares in Chillicothe
Eric LaMont Gregory made his announcement Thursday morning in Ohio's first capital. Thursday, February 17, 2011 A native of Middletown, Ohio and former expert with the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland - has come to Chillicothe to launch his candidacy for the Republican nomination for the 2012 U.S. Senate race.
Eric LaMont Gregory says he made his declaration in Chillicothe, because it was Ohio's first capital, which symbolizes how America needs to go return to many of it's values.
The Middletown, Ohio native spent several years in the Maternal & Newborn Care Division in the World Health Organization in Switzerland. Gregory says his world travels will be a help to understanding both the international and domestic concerns that come with being a U.S. Senator. He says the recent unrest in northern Africa is an example of some of our leaders not paying attention to what spurred those events.
Gregory, if he receives the GOP nomination, would likely face Democrat incumbent Sherrod Brown in the 2012 senate race.
Hear an interview between Mike Smith and Eric LaMont Gregory during his Chillicothe visit ....